Florida St's and the San Francisco 49ers's situations with coaches were pretty similar. Really good coaches left primarily because of personality conflicts. I bet FSU wishes they could have worked it out with Jimbo now, although if Jimbo had already checked out while he was still there (as was speculated last year) I guess they didn't have much of a choice.
Also, there's no way Taggart is fired any earlier than the end of next year. Even buying him after next year would be really expensive. You have to at least give him a chance to play some some of his recruits before coming to a conclusion, but these first 3 games have been so bad. I don't think even we have played a set of 3 games that were this bad in the last decade. As bad as we've been, we haven't struggled to beat an FCS team. They didn't even take the lead against Samford until something like 4:08 in the fourth quarter.