How many of you would like to see Tennessee lose out to prove your point?

I understand people want to have some hope, and I think we are seeing some progress. But 35-13, and 43-14 are not exactly close losses. I will always root for the team, no matter if I think the coach is good or not. The same good things were said after the Auburn and KY games last year, and the same good things were said after a lot of Jones games and even a few Dooley games, no matter how much people change their tune now.

In 2017, it was 41-0 against Georgia (24-0 at halftime) and 45-7 against Alabama (21-0 at halftime). In 2018, we were able to keep it somewhat respectable against Georgia but couldn't score in the first half. Alabama was still a blowout, and it was 42-14 by halftime. This year, UGA and Alabama are both two-score games in the fourth quarter before Tennessee just ran out of gas against UGA (didn't run out of gas against Alabama; that was just a single boneheaded decision by our QB that made it seem more lopsided than it really was). The progress is what matters. I've been a Pruitt critic since day one, but it's getting harder and harder to argue with the progress.
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In 2017, it was 41-0 against Georgia (24-0 at halftime) and 45-7 against Alabama (21-0 at halftime). In 2018, we were able to keep it somewhat respectable against Georgia but couldn't score in the first half. Alabama was still a blowout, and it was 42-14 by halftime. This year, UGA and Alabama are both two-score games in the fourth quarter before Tennessee just ran out of gas against UGA (didn't run out of gas against Alabama; that was just a single boneheaded decision by our QB that made it seem more lopsided than it really was). The progress is what matters. I've been a Pruitt critic since day one, but it's getting harder and harder to argue with the progress.
If this was the OP, I think most on here would agree w/ you. To the contrary, I haven't seen really anyone saying they'd like to lose out to prove a point.

It felt good to be hanging w/ Bama Saturday night, just feeling just a little like old times, where Bama was getting a little nervous. Until this team is "older", we're going to have some ups and downs...we just haven't had many "ups". Even the idiot announcers saturday night were lamenting the point that Bama had THREE frosh playing on defense at one point...maybe they should have counted our freshman contributors. At one point, I counted three tackles in a row that were recorded by three different freshmen...
I laugh sometimes when I read this forum. There is a group of people on this board who were adamant that Tennessee couldn't hang with Georgia. They thumbed their nose at anyone who suggested otherwise. And then Tennessee was still in the game until early in the fourth quarter. So the same people then said that there was no way Tennessee could hang with Alabama. Again, they thumbed their nose at anyone who suggested otherwise. And then Tennessee was still in the game until midway through the fourth quarter.

Y'all laughed at everyone who said that Tennessee might actually be able to play with UGA and Bama. Then when Tennessee DID play with UGA and Bama, you're the same folks who have been on here the last two days making all kinds of excuses for why the games really weren't as close as the scores indicated. "But Tua was hurt..." "But they were playing conservative..." "But, but, but..." When someone disagrees, you drag out the really dumb claim of "moral victories." And you trip over yourself to flame the team and players that you proclaim to support. You trash Brian Maurer. You trash the coaches. You whiz on the effort of a group of young men who went out and laid it all on the line against a far superior team on the road at Alabama.

So why don't we just go ahead and admit it: some of you are so hung up on the loss to Georgia State that you're secretly hoping that we lose to South Carolina and Vanderbilt and whoever else we need to lose to in between that will help usher out Jeremy Pruitt. You don't care about bowl eligibility or recruiting; you care about getting a new coach, as if an administration that has gotten it wrong for four consecutive hires is going to somehow strike gold on hire number five. I'll admit that all fan bases have their idguts, but I'm not sure I've ever seen a fan forum that spends as much energy as this one trashing their own team.
Please leave the forum and seek immediate professional help.
In 2017, it was 41-0 against Georgia (24-0 at halftime) and 45-7 against Alabama (21-0 at halftime). In 2018, we were able to keep it somewhat respectable against Georgia but couldn't score in the first half. Alabama was still a blowout, and it was 42-14 by halftime. This year, UGA and Alabama are both two-score games in the fourth quarter before Tennessee just ran out of gas against UGA (didn't run out of gas against Alabama; that was just a single boneheaded decision by our QB that made it seem more lopsided than it really was). The progress is what matters. I've been a Pruitt critic since day one, but it's getting harder and harder to argue with the progress.

What are you using as the standard for justifying your argument? Butch’s last year?

You conveniently (and intentionally, I presume) left off 2015 and 2016, in which we won both, 38-31 and 34-31, respectively.
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What are you using as the standard for justifying your argument? Butch’s last year?

You conveniently (and intentionally, I presume) left off 2015 and 2016, in which we won both, 38-31 and 34-31, respectively.

I mean, would you like for me to include 2004 when we beat Georgia and Alabama? I'm not following your logic. Most UT fans were relatively satisfied with the state of the program in 2015 and 2016. The point is that we crashed in 2017, it is Jeremy Pruitt's job to resurrect us from that low point, and that's what he's doing.
I think most on here would want Pruitt to work out at this point. Truth is this, they're 2-5 and will be judged on their record too a point. Now it really depends on how they finish this season after such a poor start. The thing that has handicapped them the most early anyway was the play of the QB. They just need to not tank and they'll be fine. I don't think that's going to happen at this point. They seem to be improving, may not be enough to reach a bowl game though, which in the end will be disappointing but not the end of the world.
I mean, would you like for me to include 2004 when we beat Georgia and Alabama? I'm not following your logic. Most UT fans were relatively satisfied with the state of the program in 2015 and 2016. The point is that we crashed in 2017, it is Jeremy Pruitt's job to resurrect us from that low point, and that's what he's doing.
So you admit to being a Pruitt critic and yet start another true fan thread to criticize other fans because they may not have the same standard you do? Brilliant
The big distinction that seems to always get overlooked in the ‘True Fan BS’ is that some fans (myself included) get frustrated by the lack of winning. I desperately want UT to become a competitive program.

I don’t expect to win a natty every year. I don’t expect to run the table in the East every year. I don’t expect top 10 finishes.

All of the above would be nice but I do expect my team to kick the **** out of GA ST, win by 2-3 scores at home against BYU, make the UF game a rivalry once more, reliably win against UGA since their fans are pretty much the worst, and take Bama down to the wire. Lastly, I also want Nov to be boring again as we mop up against the rest of the East.

Is that so much to ask?? CJP and staff whiffed to start the season but have made major strides and seem to be one heathy BM away from winning games. Btw, that was intentional.

CJP wasn’t my first choice and the slow start and poor finish last year validated those concerns but that doesn’t mean I ever want him to fail. As long as he’s wearing orange and white, I want him to win so many damn games that people assume Saban worked for him instead of the other way around.
No Vol fan will ever want the Vols to lose, even if it means getting rid of a incompetent coach. We all want them to figure it out and win championships.

Although based off the content of many posts, you would figure the posters are fans of other teams posting to bug Vol fans and get likes from other non-Vol fans.

So many twist the knife. You know who you are.
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No Vol fan will ever want the Vols to lose, even if it means getting rid of a incompetent coach. We all want them to figure it out and win championships.

Although based off the content of many posts, you would figure the posters are fans of other teams posting to bug Vol fans and get likes from other non-Vol fans.

So many twist the knife. You know who you are.
I thought that of the op too, fishing for likes.
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Not me, but some posters have stated before that they want us to loose a game for one reason or another. They may be posters but they can not be Tennessee FANs.
In the second year of a rebuilding effort, against a softer schedule than we usually play, Pruitt should have this team getting extra work in a bowl game.

Nothing excuses the failure to have this team ready to compete in the first three games of the season. That is entirely on the head coach.

But all this being said, one would be blind to deny the progress Tennessee has made since the Florida game. This opens up the chance for Pruitt to be able to show recruits tangible improvement in his rebuilding effort in these last five games.

I believe Pruitt should never have been hired because he lacks experience as a head coach and has never had tangible experience in a rebuilding situation like he faces now. We hired a boy to do a man's job and we have suffered through some growing pains because of it.

But as the boy has matured into his work the team has grown along with him. After the last three games, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where I might very well be wrong about him.

And the thought of that is delightful.

Seeing Tennessee get kicked around for more than a decade is like watching someone in your family getting beaten up and being absolutely powerless to stop it.

I would rather be wrong on a exponential scale a trillion times over than to see Tennessee lose, especially against the ****-for-brains sister-humpers populating the rest of this conference.
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I thought that of the op too, fishing for likes.
I figured he was calling out posters that would trade wins for losses so UT would fire the HC and maybe get rid of the AD too.

I would rather the players and the coaches to figure it out and go on a winning streak.
I figured he was calling out posters that would trade wins for losses so UT would fire the HC and maybe get rid of the AD too.

I would rather the players and the coaches to figure it out and go on a winning streak.
Oh okay, I guess I was confused with all the "if you trash." I didnt know that meant you wanted Tennessee to lose. Then he really confused by saying some of you thought we couldnt hang wirh UGA, when we didnt. Then I was really really confused by him saying he was a critic of Pruitts and now he is calling people stupid for being a critic of Pruitt.....weird stuff man, weird stuff.
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So you admit to being a Pruitt critic and yet start another true fan thread to criticize other fans because they may not have the same standard you do? Brilliant

You're struggling to keep up, aren't you? There's nothing wrong with being skeptical about the coach. But when it gets to the point that you're bitter about Tennessee actually giving Alabama a game and you look for any way in the world to discredit the effort because you don't want to admit that the team might actually be improving and that might actually be because the coaching staff is gelling and learning, then you're part of the problem. Not saying "you" specifically, of course; just saying "you" generally. And read some of these threads...we all know there are more than a few of these folks out there.
Oh okay, I guess I was confused with all the "if you trash." I didnt know that meant you wanted Tennessee to lose. Then he really confused by saying some of you thought we couldnt hang wirh UGA, when we didnt. Then I was really really confused by him saying he was a critic of Pruitts and now he is calling people stupid for being a critic of Pruitt.....weird stuff man, weird stuff.

For someone who is so convinced that my opinion is beneath you, you're sure spending a lot of time on this thread. If it's so perplexing to you, just walk away. It really is that simple.
I think most on here would want Pruitt to work out at this point. Truth is this, they're 2-5 and will be judged on their record too a point. Now it really depends on how they finish this season after such a poor start. The thing that has handicapped them the most early anyway was the play of the QB. They just need to not tank and they'll be fine. I don't think that's going to happen at this point. They seem to be improving, may not be enough to reach a bowl game though, which in the end will be disappointing but not the end of the world.

Tend to agree.

If they have the talent to stay in the game with Bama and GA like people keep saying, there is no reason they shouldnt win 3 or 4 of their final games this year.

Unlike a lot of folk here , I won't take comfort in ever having a season where they get outscored 37-10 cumulatively by FL, GA, and AL though.

I remember the good old days well and know what this program is capable of. Some on here live to grab onto any shred of evidence they can to fluff coach fill in the blank.
It is a larger problem than here on VN, OP. There are people who have wanted the past few POTUSes to fail, just so they can feel validated and say, "told you so" (think Ricky on TPB "todaso" - never mind what that means for the country, a school, or whatever).

It is a damn sad state of affairs when that is what motivates folks, but it is also difficult to really know what people are thinking.

I've seen a lot of posters on here say, "I hope I'm wrong about Pruitt, but. . . ." Those posters certainly wouldn't fall into that category.

I don't take exception to your question at all, and I'm not sure why anyone else would.
When it comes to politics and the Vols... Maybe those people just understand that what they believe will happen and what will happen or what they want to happen are about as practically relevant as discussing whether or not Batman could beat Superman in Atlantis.

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