How strong is England's military?

What am I missing, here? I don't watch or read news so I am not in the loop.

Is there something beyond just silly speculation at the heart of OP's post? What makes this thread an indictment on the lovable rabble infesting the PF???

But you can't hold the entire Political Forum responsible for the actions of a few individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole VolNation forum? And if the whole VolNation forum is to blame, then is this not an indictment of our fan base (and Vol Nation site) in general?

Supporting Ukraine? Like we supported Iraq? With friends like these....

Never should have been in Iraq. Total waste of people and treasure all because W was upset that Saddam tried to assassinate HW after he left office. There were more effective, less costly ways to get payback.
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Seriously? Chamberlain caved, we're supporting Ukraine. You're just trying to say something cute, but it is without factual support.

But then again, that's the conservative movement in the 21st Century.

You are the living embodiment of a logical fallacy
Seriously? Chamberlain caved, we're supporting Ukraine. You're just trying to say something cute, but it is without factual support.

But then again, that's the conservative movement in the 21st Century.
You might want to redefine some things, because Chamberlain did exactly what we are doing now.

Chamberlain gave Poland 9 million pounds. which is more than 640 million pounds today, adjusted for inflation, which is about 812 million in US dollars.

and the German and Soviet invasion of Poland lasted like 6 weeks, not more than a year like we are seeing with Ukraine.
So you are arguing that we should have boots on the ground in Ukraine. Interesting.

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