How will we WIN/LOSE?



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Last year, our D was terrible and I think it's safe to say we lost games because of our Defense.

With lack of experience on Offense and lack of depth on Defense...

What part of our team will be our strength to win and what will our opponents be looking forward too?

Or are we actually going to have a balanced team this year?
Last year, our D was terrible and I think it's safe to say we lost games because of our Defense.

With lack of experience on Offense and lack of depth on Defense...

What part of our team will be our strength to win and what will our opponents be looking forward too?

Or are we actually going to have a balanced team this year?

What gave you this idea? JK. Our o-line and running game will be our calling card this year and will keep us in games. Our opponents that have an air attack will be licking their chops. Hope this helps.
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IMO it'll be a mixed bag.

Going into the season, on paper, our running game should be good....our passing game is suspect.

On defense it's pretty much the same. We look good in our front seven but sec is suspect.
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that we will win when we whip dey azz (or else just score more points than our opponents) and will lose when they score more than us.

Call me a sunshine pumper... but that's just how I see it.
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A balanced attack that mixes quick short passes and off tackle runs executed quickly and repeatedly, churning up yards, getting first downs and establishing dominance over the opposing D.

Defense will be aggressive, putting pressure on the QB to force him to rush his passes and keep our young DBs less vulnerable. This will help us keep games close.

Our kicking game will be much different and much more effective than we've seen over the past 3 years.
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that we will win when we whip dey azz (or else just score more points than our opponents) and will lose when they score more than us.

Call me a sunshine pumper... but that's just how I see it.

Negavol, IMO :loco:
A balanced attack that mixes quick short passes and off tackle runs executed quickly and repeatedly, churning up yards, getting first downs and establishing dominance over the opposing D.

Defense will be aggressive, putting pressure on the QB to force him to rush his passes and keep our young DBs less vulnerable. This will help us keep games close.

Our kicking game will be much different and much more effective than we've seen over the past 3 years.

We can only hope!!!
A balanced attack that mixes quick short passes and off tackle runs executed quickly and repeatedly, churning up yards, getting first downs and establishing dominance over the opposing D.

Defense will be aggressive, putting pressure on the QB to force him to rush his passes and keep our young DBs less vulnerable. This will help us keep games close.

Our kicking game will be much different and much more effective than we've seen over the past 3 years.

York speakin' the truth. I thnk you pretty much hit the nail on the head as to what this team is going to look like.
Hooray for the pumpers!! Nothing wrong with unabashed optimism . Ignore reality and hope for the best, this season promises to be very exciting or very disappointing. :clapping: :pepper:
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My concern is will UT have any type of vertical passing game? Yes we may have a short passing game and a good running game, but is very difficult to sustain a 70 or 80 yard drive w/o big plays (vertical passing game).
My concern is will UT have any type of vertical passing game? Yes we may have a short passing game and a good running game, but is very difficult to sustain a 70 or 80 yard drive w/o big plays (vertical passing game).

When we do 70 and 80 yard drives, I'm hoping we take at least 3 minutes per drive. I know we're gonna be running a hurry up, but I wouldn't be angry if we averaged 5 yards a play. That's what's gonna get Big Dan and the other starting Dlineman more playing time because they'll be well rested.
I'm hoping better overall discipline, o-line play and our running game will keep us in games. Then pure heart, something we've lacked for several years, will get us some close wins. I'm hoping.
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I hate to be negative, but we're not going to be good. Our biggest strength should be our running game, obviously--but SEC teams will stack against and us and are us to throw. Which will be a problem because every skill position player we have is inexperienced. Maybe a couple of WRs and a QB will emerge--they have to or we will be punting a lot in SEC games.

And offense is the bright spot! Defensively, we're going to be BAD again, I fear. Did anyone read the assistants coaches player appraisals on this site? I came away from the blurbs about individual defensive players with a one-word response: "Yikes." Our defensive line might be respectable, if they've been coached up--but we are very WEAK at LB and very WEAK at DB. Johnson should be a good LB again--but he is it; after him there is nobody. The DB position is much the same--maybe one good player, one decent, and everybody else either very young or below par. SEC teams will run WIDE on us all day. If we're playing freshmen cornerbacks, we are in for some long days.
They win if they play as a team. They lose if they play as individuals. There isn't enough talent and depth yet on the hill to just go line up and win. But the team can be coached and execute effectively enough to win now.
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I think our receivers will surprise teams this year. Everyone expects them to be weak but there are some good playmakers there. The oline will buy the QB plenty of time to throw to be option. Also, I think our secondary will be much improved.
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To answer your question op...We will win if we score more points than our opponents. Conversely, we will lose if we score less than our opponents. :hi:
York speakin' the truth. I thnk you pretty much hit the nail on the head as to what this team is going to look like.

And you probably think we will colonize Mars by years end!
If history is any indicator of future performance, we will hardly be churning up 1st downs and have a dominating "D." I hope we improve, but we are 2-3 years away from those expectations.
And you probably think we will colonize Mars by years end!
If history is any indicator of future performance, we will hardly be churning up 1st downs and have a dominating "D." I hope we improve, but we are 2-3 years away from those expectations.

Whose history?

Might want to look again...Coach Jones has a history of doing just that.
If we finish better than 4-8 or 5-7, it may very well be freshmen stepping up that put us over the .500 mark. I do hope I'm wrong and we average over 22-23pts/game for 2013. We will have to throw the ball down the field and open things up to over the .500 mark that's for sure.
It may be a track meet in our secondary this fall I'm afraid.
I hate to be negative, but we're not going to be good. Our biggest strength should be our running game, obviously--but SEC teams will stack against and us and are us to throw. Which will be a problem because every skill position player we have is inexperienced. Maybe a couple of WRs and a QB will emerge--they have to or we will be punting a lot in SEC games.

And offense is the bright spot! Defensively, we're going to be BAD again, I fear. Did anyone read the assistants coaches player appraisals on this site? I came away from the blurbs about individual defensive players with a one-word response: "Yikes." Our defensive line might be respectable, if they've been coached up--but we are very WEAK at LB and very WEAK at DB. Johnson should be a good LB again--but he is it; after him there is nobody. The DB position is much the same--maybe one good player, one decent, and everybody else either very young or below par. SEC teams will run WIDE on us all day. If we're playing freshmen cornerbacks, we are in for some long days.

Blunt but fair. I'd argue that some of the freshmen who will be playing a lot are ANIMALS. According to Swain from TSR, Cam Sutton and Malik Foreman (sp?) are bringing it in Fall Camp.

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