Huffington Post Takes a Credibility Hit

Anyone who says NPR isn't slanted to the left is either dishonest or never actually listened to any of their programming.

Ask O'Reilly and Juan Williams about NPR.
Jon Stewart literally went over this. He was on his way home from work and was flipping the radio dial between Rush and NPR. Rush was blabbering on about how the current administration is going to destroy our country and so on and so forth, while NPR had a feature story about quilts. They are not nearly as biased as some make it out to be. They report quality news. But do continue watching Faux News, as they are a shining beacon of light.

lmao, quality news
FWIW, I said NPR was a favorite not the best. There really is no "best" news channel. They all have slants and I'd venture to say that NPR is the most central (or Christian Science Monitor).
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I have that channel and didn't even realize it 'til recently. Bunch of docs on Tupac and Biggie, plus who killed Kurt Cobain. That's about it.

Oh, and the wonderful Keith Olbermann.

Boring channel is boring. It's mostly user generated content and stories on their website, last I saw.
Jon Stewart literally went over this. He was on his way home from work and was flipping the radio dial between Rush and NPR. Rush was blabbering on about how the current administration is going to destroy our country and so on and so forth, while NPR had a feature story about quilts. They are not nearly as biased as some make it out to be. They report quality news. But do continue watching Faux News, as they are a shining beacon of light.

Rush is talk radio (opinion), and NPR is mostly news (supposedly not opinion). They're not comparable.
no issue with NPR execs getting caught in a sting trying to hide funding from a terrorist organization?

or silencing NPR personalities who appear on fox news?

shhhhhh....."this is under the rug"

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