Unless the thickness of the ice decreased by >29% than the 2013 picture would have more mass. The average decrease in thickness is somewhere around 0.04m/year over the past decade.I was interested in that particular picture. If you could actually weight the ice from one pic and the other, which is heavier? Which has more mass?
Is that the same APSU football field from 25 years ago? I played ball at Henry Co. And that's where we played all the Clarksville teams back in the day.
Three things I remember about that field: 1) it had one hell of a crown in the middle of the field. Stumbled many times running routes. 2). Like playing on concrete. 3). Punted the longest punt in HCHS history there...68 yds. *shoulder dislocates from patting self on back*
u need to come back down to KY lake & LBL where people wear ORANGE!!! Memorial Day weekend close to Buchanon's landing!!!! actually I'l be further East this year......
Haha. I do quite often. Parents still live in Paris. There are a few orange wearers up here, surprisingly. I do enjoy watching the Louisville and UK fans scratch each others' eyes out though!
Don't you know that Global Warning causes everything?
Well, in 2012, it was called Global Warning. Then it was slowly proven that there was no such thing as Global Warming, so the environmentalist conveniently changed the name in 2013 to Climate Change.......
According to them, everything is caused by Global Warming/ Climate Change.
...or just a cracker who thinks he knows more than scientists? That's what I thought.
Who cares what the scientist are saying? They said that we were entering another ice age in the mid-1970's. The earth has an ever changing environment that is cyclical and there is nothing the humans can do to change it.
The term climate change was adapted after they finally realized that Global Warming as a term was its own Inconvenient Truth since the earth has literally been cooling for the last 10 years.
I am not a scientist either, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night!
No worries.
Just imagine the madness had this happened during a home game. I would poop my pants.