Hunter, Bray, CP, Sentimore OFFICIALLY gone

Butch Jones made it clear in an interview with Hyams that the type of QB he wants is "a leader, the alphamale of the offense"... two things Bray is not. Therefore he wouldn't have started... good call to go pro than sit the bench next year.
Does anyone know how bad Sentimore's grades really were? Oh well, we all know the next couple of years will be can't really get any onward and upward

I think we can win at least 3-4 games this year
Go Vols
Brady and Manning are about as immobile as Bray but infinitely more intelligent players. My point with the mobility jab is that, increasingly, NFL teams are seeking players who can move somewhat ably in and around the pocket. To Griffin, I would add Russell Wilson and Andrew Luck, both of whom have wheels as well as scads of football brains, as examples of this trend. If a prospect can't run at all, then he better be a quality decision-maker with a lightning-fast release.

Bray can't run, makes bad decisions, and by all accounts is hardly a student of the game. Yes, he possesses a rifle, but his loopy throwing motion, which Clowney famously exploited, is more Tim Tebow than Tom Brady. Someone may draft him in the first or second rounds, but they will regret it.
I get what you are saying, but Bray and many other QB's would never be a runner. You either draft an athletic QB for your style of offense or a pure passer. Bray is a pure passer and there is nothing wrong with that. If you want to knock him on decision making, attitude or anything else mental, I'm on board with you. Just don't knock him on something nobody would ever expect him to be.
If Sentimore was a "bust" like many have said on here, then why are those so angry he is leaving?????? HE IS A KID. Let him do his thing. I hope he makes All Pro every year.
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The only one I really care about is Patterson. Bray had a good arm but he's quitter, and that seeped into the whole team. Hunter played "scared to get hurt" all year and that would of been worse next year. Sentimore? I don't even know who that is. Was he on the team? Patterson is a big loss but the "team" will be better off without the other three.

I would argue that CP is a quitter also. I don't remember which game it was, but we threw an interception (in CP's direction, possibly because he ran the wrong route) and CP just stopped and let the guy run with it. Being the fastest player on the field and freakish athlete he is you would think he could at least attempt to run the guy down and make the tackle.
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I get the others leaving, but sentimore is a head scratcher... What does he think he's done, that will make him think he'll get drafted?? Maybe im missing something..
If Sentimore was a "bust" like many have said on here, then why are those so angry he is leaving?????? HE IS A KID. Let him do his thing. I hope he makes All Pro every year.

I agree. If players don't want to be here and give 100% i wish you well wherever you are going. Now let's get some guys to take there places who really want to be here
CP will absolutely go in the 1st round.

Hunter is more iffy. I'd say late 1st early, 2nd for him.
Why wait and spend another year playing for free, learning a new system, risking injury, etc, especially if you're not thrilled with the new coaches? Might as well get on with it and start getting paid something.

Agree - sitting on bench earning minimum of over - 400K a year not a bad deal IMO. Play 2 or 3 years and make 10 years salary of average Joe on the street.
Anyone know if we can get some of those tarps to cover the empty seats at Neyland? Heck might as well remove about 80k seats just so the place looks full.

Boy, I hope my season tickets are not covered by a tarp. Harder to see the new VOLS hit the field. I see you live in Knoxville, where are your season tickets? Hope they are good seats.
If they are getting information that they will go high in the draft and coming out is the best thing for them, good for them. The program will go on without them. seems to think he'll be drafted. I think he left because he was better suited for the 3-4 rather than the 4-3 which CJJ prefers to run.

Darrington Sentimore, DT Tennessee
Projected: 4th Round
Good or Bad Move? Where will he fit in? At 6-3 and 288 pounds he's a 3-4 end but was used more as a tackle making 18 tackles with four sacks as the team's best interior pass rusher. A JUCO transfer from Gulf Coast CC in Mississippi, he stepped in, became a good part of the defense, and now he's gone, but he lacks the bulk to be a major presence on the inside. 2013 NFL Draft Early Entries
Well, I would say all are at least 1 year premature but time will tell. Sentimore is surprising because he had so few plays of any kind on the field other than a decent game against Alabama. I don't see any going in the first two rounds of the draft.

Really what Vodafone are you drinking CP and hunter first rounders 2 nd the most. Tyler can go 2nd to 3rd round. Are you kidding me. Get off the blog you don't know talent at ll
This seems to be a big deal to Volnation with these four players leaving, and they are talented players. But, we have to remember that we have capable players ready to step up and make plays just like these guys did. These guys started off without anybody knowing that they would amount to a hill of beans, and so will the next group. Those players are glad to get their chances at playing in front of over 100k fans on Saturday to showcase their skills, too. In addition, while we at Volnation are giving our opinions I would say that most of the rest of the country couldn't care less what these gentlemen have decided to do. After all, its not like they were winning championships together. The next batch may outshine these. Also, it should make other recruits want to come here because they should be able to play sooner instead of having to ride the pines.
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McCullers leaving would have hurt worse that Sentimore. We have some edge type guys. Our numbers at DL arent as bad as you think. We have Miller, Smith, McCullers, Hood, Williams, Saulsberry, Walls, and Clark coming back; all but Clark have played alot of ball for us. Saulsberry seemed to be coming on the last part of the year.
Brady and Manning are about as immobile as Bray but infinitely more intelligent players. My point with the mobility jab is that, increasingly, NFL teams are seeking players who can move somewhat ably in and around the pocket. To Griffin, I would add Russell Wilson and Andrew Luck, both of whom have wheels as well as scads of football brains, as examples of this trend. If a prospect can't run at all, then he better be a quality decision-maker with a lightning-fast release.

Bray can't run, makes bad decisions, and by all accounts is hardly a student of the game. Yes, he possesses a rifle, but his loopy throwing motion, which Clowney famously exploited, is more Tim Tebow than Tom Brady. Someone may draft him in the first or second rounds, but they will regret it.

Why are you trashing Bray? He has a cannon is 6'6" and is a Vol. His release is nothing like Tebow. Bray is probably the 3rd or 4th ranked QB in the draft.
From a football stand point, I only care about CP. He was unbelievably gifted.

Overall, it is about time for a change. I think them leaving is an overall good thing. Call me crazy.

Good luck and best wishes to them in the NFL. I am grateful for all they did at UT.
I truly feel bad for them. All 3 could of been Greats here if they had the right coaches. Hopefully they get on an team with a coach worth a damn.

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