Hurd's Mom Fires Back at UGA

I'm 28, have twitter, and a professional job, making quite a bit actually. And I didn't get that job by having some fancy degree either. I have two associates degrees, served my country for 4 years, and worked since I was 14. When I say worked*, I mean earned a real paycheck at a real job, not like when ppl use that term because momma started them on doing chores, lol.

I don't think it's fair that you old farts generalize an entire generation of people because they grew up around technology that you didn't have. However, this is a timeless conversation, I'm sure your elders did the same thing when Elvis and color television came out. "it's the devil, these kids will never know how to work..." etc, etc.

It's not our faults that social media is here, and it can be a valuable tool for those who use it correctly. I like it for the instant access to current events and sports. Sorry that newspapers thrown at your door by lil Johnny the paperboy are a thing of the past.

Uh oh, are we going to have to hear another cherrywood desk story here?
The thing is not all of us are old farts. I'm about to turn 24 years old. I've heard the argument for Twitter being used as a business tool, yet most the time all Twitter or Facebook turns into is a social event with drama or someone telling everyone about every aspect of their day. Social media for the most part has people on there who beg for attention. I know very few people who actually use social media for true business, and those people make six digits at Eastman. Can social media be a great tool for marketing and business? Sure, but the majority of the population don't use social media for that.
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Who gives a damn about any coversation between two Twitter-heads? Really? Get a life. Don't care who you follow on Football Saturday, this form of electronic gratification is a joke. Youngsters today can't seem to grasp the idea that you are better off without that trail of"tweets" following you around. Much better off living under cover in the forest that standing out alone in an open field.
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I'm 28, have twitter, and a professional job, making quite a bit actually. And I didn't get that job by having some fancy degree either. I have two associates degrees, served my country for 4 years, and worked since I was 14. When I say worked*, I mean earned a real paycheck at a real job, not like when ppl use that term because momma started them on doing chores, lol.

I don't think it's fair that you old farts generalize an entire generation of people because they grew up around technology that you didn't have. However, this is a timeless conversation, I'm sure your elders did the same thing when Elvis and color television came out. "it's the devil, these kids will never know how to work..." etc, etc.

It's not our faults that social media is here, and it can be a valuable tool for those who use it correctly. I like it for the instant access to current events and sports. Sorry that newspapers thrown at your door by lil Johnny the paperboy are a thing of the past.

I don't tweet cause I'm not a twitter. And VN is so much like it with all the twits here, why twitter at all?
The thing is not all of us are old farts. I'm about to turn 24 years old. I've heard the argument for Twitter being used as a business tool, yet most the time all Twitter or Facebook turns into is a social event with drama or someone telling everyone about every aspect of their day. Social media for the most part has people on there who beg for attention. I know very few people who actually use social media for true business, and those people make six digits at Eastman. Can social media be a great tool for marketing and business? Sure, but the majority of the population don't use social media for that.

For some businesses Facebook and Twitter are an advertising gold mine
Thats a piss poor example. Talking on the phone makes you engage the person you are talking to. I can tell by the tone of your voice the nature of the problem at hand. When an emergency occurs you don't text someone and say help please quick. You pick up the phone and you call someone because it's instant communication. There's nothing wrong with texting or even twitting. The problem occurs when people become so dependent on those items that they fail to learn to communicate any other way professionally. You can't text your way through an interview for a big time job. Texting and twitting are great for relying info and asking questions. I.e. texting your wife to bring some bread home from work. It's a piss poor way to engage in anything that involves conflict, emotions, or serious problems at hand. For example, it's a very bad idea to break up with someone over text. Why? Because it one, shows you are a total puss, and two, it demonstrates a lack of serious care. By texting instead of calling you are saying hey, you don't mean enough to me for me to call and break up with you, mainly because I don't have the courage to do it.

What evidence do you have that supports your claim that people are now struggling in job interviews? I doubt you have any, so in reality you are just making things up and don't like change.
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Uh oh, are we going to have to hear another cherrywood desk story here?

And that's what you took out of everything i wrote. My point was, dont generalize all 20-somethings into the same group bc we are more diversified in the types of communication we use than you seem to be.

He said, "try to interview them for a professional job." (I'm paraphrasing)

So I replied that I had a professional job and twitter didn't keep me from getting it. What kind of desk do you have? And no, the counter at McDonalds is not considered a desk.
What evidence do you have that supports your claim that people are now struggling in job interviews? I doubt you have any, so in reality you are just making things up and don't like change.

Ain't vouching for keckjm. Here's what I have seen at job interviews in which I was a participant/evaluator.
Interviewees unable to tell the difference between 'your" and "you're". Interviewees unable to "compliment" and "complement". Being forced to rephrase questions in ever more simple terms 2-3 times. Example:

--A past employer states the you filed a grievance. Can you briefly state the cause of it?
Response: I grieved when my sister passed away. I don't see why that should be my employer's business.

--I mean they say you had a complaint at work. In few words, what was it about. We don't need to know everything, just what the basic problem was.
Response: No one complained about my grieving.

By this point, you can imagine we had decided to not recommend this person for employment. We did finally get her to understand what we were asking.

We had a guy who repeatedly referred to "burds" in a writing sample we requested relating to his cage cleaning at a pet shop. We basically wanted to be sure he could read and write well enough to handle some minor paperwork. This was a guy born and raised in the USA, not some immigrant.

Finally, when I was teaching, time and again I saw foreign students, mostly Asian, German, and Middle Eastern students consistently do better on tests, including English tests than native born American students. This was often mentioned in teacher and committee meetings. But the most pitiful thing was when you tried to correct them, they protested that they had always done thing that way. Or exhibited being offended. As opposed to the foreign students who eagerly gobbled ever crumb of instruction you offered. So man, having seen what I have, if our countrymen/women have trouble with interviews, it doesn't surprise one iota. Then you see how younger folks communicate with Twitter and other shorthand speech and text, what's the surprise?
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Twitter has to be one of the dumbest man made inventions out there. #this and #that. WGAF! Who cares what some douche says about you online. This crap is so dumb, and there's no wonder the younger generations act like they act these days. Where I'm from, if you have something to say to someone you say it to their face.

Said by someone who posted it online. Nice call old timer.
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Oh well hell, you must be more of a man than all of us younger folks!
Twitter is a source of instant information and news and is a wonderful tool if you know how to use it right.

Yes, "instant" information, but not "accurate and meaningful" information. No one's held accountable for what they say so there is very little fact checking and editing.
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The thing is not all of us are old farts. I'm about to turn 24 years old. I've heard the argument for Twitter being used as a business tool, yet most the time all Twitter or Facebook turns into is a social event with drama or someone telling everyone about every aspect of their day. Social media for the most part has people on there who beg for attention. I know very few people who actually use social media for true business, and those people make six digits at Eastman. Can social media be a great tool for marketing and business? Sure, but the majority of the population don't use social media for that.

Multi-billion dollar companies use social media as a direct advertising medium ("true business" in your words), yet your janitor friends at the recycling plant don't. Great.
Yes, "instant" information, but not "accurate and meaningful" information. No one's held accountable for what they say so there is very little fact checking and editing.

It is "accurate and meaningful" information when you follow actual credible organizations...who YES, hold their employees accountable.

Just because you follow every moron in Karns doesn't mean the rest of the world is as ignorant as you.
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Twitter has to be one of the dumbest man made inventions out there. #this and #that. WGAF! Who cares what some douche says about you online. This crap is so dumb, and there's no wonder the younger generations act like they act these days. Where I'm from, if you have something to say to someone you say it to their face.

I don't think Twitter is the issue it's the morons who are on it. If you had to pay a monthly fee for it, I think the idiots who diminish by 75%. I agree with the #this and #that but its a great source of information if you follow the right people. That being said, I'm not on twitter...I have VN to pi%% and moan about :)
And that's what you took out of everything i wrote. My point was, dont generalize all 20-somethings into the same group bc we are more diversified in the types of communication we use than you seem to be.

He said, "try to interview them for a professional job." (I'm paraphrasing)

So I replied that I had a professional job and twitter didn't keep me from getting it. What kind of desk do you have? And no, the counter at McDonalds is not considered a desk.

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Twitter has to be one of the dumbest man made inventions out there. #this and #that. WGAF! Who cares what some douche says about you online. This crap is so dumb, and there's no wonder the younger generations act like they act these days. Where I'm from, if you have something to say to someone you say it to their face.

twitter is the 21st century railroad. If you dont get it, its okay, we understand
I like how I started this thread to simply show how cool Hurds mom is and it turned into an all out battle between advocates of social media vs advocates against it... All on a form of social media called a discussion forum known as The irony is great.

I'm just glad to be here. :)
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It is "accurate and meaningful" information when you follow actual credible organizations...who YES, hold their employees accountable.

Just because you follow every moron in Karns doesn't mean the rest of the world is as ignorant as you.

Agreed, if you follow credible news organizations it really doesn't matter what delivery format they use. The problem with Twitter is similar to many things related to the internet - it's amateur hour and EVERYONE has the stage. And I'm sure you where speaking theorhetically about people following moron's on Twitter being ingnorant and not me specifically, because you are smart enough to infer that I follow no one on Twitter from my previous post.
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I hate Facebook and Twitter, but that doesn't mean that I have to find some way that they're destroying our society to justify it. I just don't like them.
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The point isn't where I'm from. The point is that as a society as a whole, we have learned to not talk to people face to face. Younger people grow up with this invalid notion that texting and twitting is a form of good communication, and it simply is not. I could easily misinform anyone about anything through a text simply because there is no emotion involved in it. Learning to talk to people in a professional manner in person is a lost art in our society these days.

Other lost arts due to technology- smoke signals, wagon trails, cave paintings, carrier pigeons, paper mail, morse code, yelling loudly. Damn progress.
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What if a Klingon started following you? :huh:

He could get one of those big green Gorn dudes to squish em.

I use to like that show when I was little. Dont know why but I remember that one episode with that lizzard Gorn guy.
I like how I started this thread to simply show how cool Hurds mom is and it turned into an all out battle between advocates of social media vs advocates against it... All on a form of social media called a discussion forum known as The irony is great.

I'm just glad to be here. :)
Nothing cool about what she did. Foster mom like. sounds like Hurd gets a pass because he hasn't fumbled in an important game
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