Hypothetical: If you were POTUS would you pardon your son?

If I were POTUS and my son faced felony charges I would:

  • Pardon him

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • Commute his sentence if applicable but not pardon

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • Neither pardon nor commute sentence

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • Continue to like pie

    Votes: 11 31.4%

  • Total voters
Ahhh, ye olde pull-out game.
7th grade Health I got in trouble bc the teacher asked what are some types of birth control. I blurted out "the rhythm method and pulling out." My dad had to come to a meeting with me and the principal. When my dad was informed of what I said he looked at me, then the principal, and said "well the rhythm method is the only method approved by the catholic church." Lol. Miss him.
Let's say Hunter is sentenced for 5 yrs for gun crimes and the normal range is 1-3 yrs. Id be OK commuting within that range...
If they really want to get Hunter, then they better not shoot their whole wad at once. Save some charges for later lol.

How does Joe commute him down from 5 years to 3 years? You’re saying he could do that upfront?

Or are you saying Joe would actually let Hunter serve 2, and then commute the rest?
If they really want to get Hunter, then they better not shoot their whole wad at once. Save some charges for later lol.

How does Joe commute him down from 5 years to 3 years? You’re saying he could do that upfront?

Or are you saying Joe would actually let Hunter serve 2, and then commute the rest?

I'm not sure on the specifics. In this scenario, if I could not commute sentence from 5 yrs to 1-3 yrs, then yes, I'd pardon...
I'm not sure on the specifics. In this scenario, if I could not commute sentence from 5 yrs to 1-3 yrs, then yes, I'd pardon...
So all Joe needs is for his own DOJ to push for a sentence that is too harsh in Joe’s own opinion - and voila, righteous pardon.

Yea, they should definitely save some charges for later if they are hellbent on getting Hunter.
I’m a hard @$$, so I would probably let him squirm for a good while. If truly guilty and egregious, neither. If guilty and not egregious, commute. If I felt guilt was highly questionable after reviewing evidence, quite possibly pardon. Hunter wouldn’t want me as a dad.
Pardon, commute and throw a star studded formal red-carpet gala to let everyone know what I'd done.

F it, Joe is older than methuselah - what's he got to lose, his reputation?
Pardon, commute and throw a star studded formal red-carpet gala to let everyone know what I'd done.

F it, Joe is older than methuselah - what's he got to lose, his reputation?
Joe will just say it's a political witch hunt by the GOP and pardon.
Pardon, commute and throw a star studded formal red-carpet gala to let everyone know what I'd done.

F it, Joe is older than methuselah - what's he got to lose, his reputation?
There’s really no reason to pardon him. Is Hunter’s “record” going to hurt him going forward?

But what father would not commute his own son’s prison sentence, if it was in his power?
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Ole Slo Jo will be in a conundrum if Hunter is convicted and sentenced to prison. Either he pardons Hunter or risks Hunter spilling his guts on dear old dad. We already know Hunter despises Jill and he probably feels unappreciated and tired of paying half of his proceeds to the big guy.
I said no. but someone made a really good point on the first page, if I was president that would mean I was a slimy politician, and thus likely would pardon my kid.

but from a personal level no, I figure I will raise my kids like my parents raised me. When I got in trouble I was punished whenever I was caught. If someone else caught me, and punished me, my parents would say thank you and take me home and punish me again. Never did any of that a second time. the best way to learn sometimes is to burn your hand on the stove after you have been told off by your parents. Unfortunately Joe completely failed Hunter, he is a grown man, still making bad choices. that reflects parenting.

as mentioned above Hunter is a grown man, not some tween who "doesn't know better" or whatever bs excuse parents use. Eff him.

on a presidential level your job is to uphold and execute the laws of the land, thats why its the "executive" office. Using your powers to get your kid out of jail seems like an abuse of power. Especially if you have run on a message of what your child is guilty of is wrong. It would be one thing if you were pushing the legalization of weed, and your 13 year old is caught smoking dope, and you pardon that. Nope. Gun crime is apparently a public health threat. Its either a serious problem, or it isn't. you can show you are tough on gun crime starting with your kid. imo that would give a TON of legitimacy to your cause.
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Is there any suggestion that joe would pardon or commute at this point? Seems like a much ado... question.

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