Hypothetical question..

If CPF were fired, what would be the reason given?

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Oct 23, 2003
If Ron Zook's firing was any indication, CPF could/should be in the hotseat. I am in NO way comparing CPF to CRZ, as that would be laughable, but some of his situations are a little bit similar to those of our own coach. Please don't think I am suggesting CPF should be fired, because I am a staunch supporter of CPF. It just seems that Zook's firing may have been slightly unfair. Anybody agree or should I run for cover?

CPF AIN"T GOIN NOWUR!!! Take my word for it. If conservative wins games, ahm all fer it!



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Y'all!!! I'm being hypothetical here, dadgummit!! Work with me here!!

Run for cover . . . NOW! :D

P.S. - Why do your polls always have 700 choices? Your kids must hate it when you give a multiple choice test.

I'll say none of the above just for the sake of argument.
Originally posted by GAVol@Oct 27, 2004 4:25 PM

P.S. - Why do your polls always have 700 choices?

Because based on this board's writing skills ( or lack thereof) y'all are in serious need of practice in reading.


Ya know I LUV ya, GaVol.

Originally posted by Volstorm@Oct 27, 2004 7:37 PM
LIO, did you get hit in the head?


I've read this about 5 times and haven't figured out exactly what those similarities are between Zook and Fulmer are supposed to be. To my knowledge, Phil doesn't lose 5 games a year, show up at frat houses or have Steve Spurrier playing golf near his zip code.

recent bowl performance would be the only tarnish I could see...the BS with Gallion won't get him fired IMO.... the winningest coach in the nation can coach as long as he wants to. :ph34r:
i can only think that a few years down the road he'll have that lifetime contract.
he wll lead the vols for years and years to come.
I think the reason would be losing to Florida, Alabama, and Georgia during a "rebuilding" year after losing one of your two dominating defensive stars and enduring a two-freshman QB controversy.

Naw, wait, that didn't happen. :blink:

Why not ask a real hypothetical question like "What would it be like if we had a playoff-system national championship?" or "What if Florida State joined the SEC?" or "If the states of Alabama and Mississippi just happened to be jarred free from the surrounding mainland by a series of precision blasts and floated out to sea, would the South be a better place?"

Phil is doing exactly what Zook DID NOT: win close games, and win games that you should (see Tennessee's November record). I think it's kind of in poor taste to even suggest that anyone would like to see a coaching change.

No offense, LIO, just my thoughts. . . . ;)
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Oct 28, 2004 5:51 AM
"If the states of Alabama and Mississippi just happened to be jarred free from the surrounding mainland by a series of precision blasts and floated out to sea, would the South be a better place?"

:eek:lol: :eek:lol:
:unsure: I'm not to fond of this poll thread either. Fulmer won't be fired, nor is he in any danger of being fired. Zook was doomed from day 1.
I agree CPF is here for a long time because coaches are hired to win games and thats what he does. Universities will swallow a lotta controversy for wins. You know some say the difference between sexual harrassment and flirting is whether the man is good lookin or not...i see a similarity with CPF here...he wins and wins and wins...and when an occasional loss comes along ....oh hell lets run him outta town...hes chubby, I wouldnt say fat and from a mans point of view not exactly a nice lookin man....could speak to why he gets treated so disrespectfully even with his record. I see what Lady is trying to say here, but all coaches are under a certain spotlight measuring stick...CPF has made some decisions that are controversial...take the shooting incident...the player who was getting playing time didnt get cut...just suspended...that kinda thing sends a negative message to the rest of the SEC and I think there are other examples. But overall I do think CPF is here as long as he wants to be...I for 1 am proud of his win% and he does NOT get the credit he deserves for that.
True.We as fans are so judgemental when we lose a game.We expect a win every week and if we don't get it,we start the blaming.I'm very pleased with CPF being our head coach.
Chris Heath and Brandon Johnson are two different circumstances. Chris Heath had been in trouble a number of times. Brandon Johnson hasn’t been cut yet, yet.

The Gallion thing is all BS!

Fulmer is going nowhere and should go nowhere! All hale CPF!
Originally posted by OrangeCrush18@Oct 28, 2004 11:31 AM
Chris Heath and Brandon Johnson are two different circumstances. Chris Heath had been in trouble a number of times. Brandon Johnson hasn’t been cut yet, yet.

The Gallion thing is all BS!

Fulmer is going nowhere and should go nowhere! All hale CPF!

I agree, let's get it straight. Heath was NOT on the team anymore. He was on medical hardship. For those that don't know what that means... he could not play football anymore due to some medical condition but was allowed to keep his football scholarship. You can't suspend somebody who is no longer playing football... but you can take away his scholarship!

:twocents: Fulmer has handled the situation correctly. Most coaches around the country would have allowed Johnson to continue playing until the court case was resolved.

Remember, Nilo Silvan got booted (by Fulmer) for an alleged rape. He was aquitted and then he sued the University because he was cut and his contention was that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

Fulmer has done nothing worthy of even the smallest reprimand. If somebody knows something... please post it for the rest of us to see. :blink:
CPF has made some decisions that are controversial
Some may say Banks got a few too many chances. But missing meeting and drinking beer is alittle different than firing a gun or rape.IMO

I think it's hard for us to judge him when we don't have all the details. I say leave it up to Coach Fulmer, he has gone a great job in the past.
i was speaking in terms of how the SEC and for that matter the rest of the contry could possible view fulmers decisions, they may not know all the facts as volnation folks do. There are different perspectives to look at any subject.
Originally posted by OrangeCrush18@Oct 28, 2004 11:31 AM
Fulmer is going nowhere and should go nowhere! All hale CPF!

First of all, I agree 100% with you. CPF is awesome, and should be the coach as long as he wants to be. But I will add that I won't say that he will never go anywhere. Most of the members of this board I think, if we were taking this same poll back in 1991 at this point of the season (which would be right after the comeback at Notre Dame) would've said the same thing about Coach Majors. Yet, in less than a year the fans were calling for his head on a platter. Let me add some hypothetical fuel to the fire. Would the fans still support CPF if we lost the final two games to Vandy and Kentucky?
Would the fans still support CPF if we lost the final two games to Vandy and Kentucky?

i know i still would, i don't see any reason not too, you have to stick with him in the good times and the bad :peace2:

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