Good post but not altogether true. When Cut went to the no huddle, he had the O hurry to the line to force defenders to hold their stance longer. I'm not sure he went hurry up that much... but they did emphasized getting to the line in a big hurry.It's just cementing my belief that not many in the south understand the hurry up yet. They've been taken by surprise with it just like the NFL. Butch said as much last year. He specifically stated that not many folks understand the hurry up or spread in pressers last year. The south is coming to grips with the new hurry up tempo. I'll give you some examples.
!: Going to the JUCO's for talent. I have family in alabama that don't even know what JUCO stands for... they are honest to goodness college ball fans. I was on my way to florida during the bam a game and was at my brothers house. I almost got exiled from the family. Alabama is scared ya'll. They look exactly like the folks on the T.V. screen biting their nails during the west V game. They don't understand what's happening yet.
2: The hurry up and speed is all about wearing out your opponent. That mean getting rid of the ball fast. That means tossing it before there is a man open a lot of times. Those deep balls that look so inaccurate by worley are by design. A lot of folks don't understand that yet. You GO. That is all. just GO. get into a rhythm. If it's not there this time it will be a couple times during a game and it only takes once to break the game open. As long as you are getting rid of the ball fast enough the D can't do anything about it. You are making them run all over the field.
3: Slowing the tempo. In the hurry up... slowing down the tempo wears out the D. In traditional football speeding up the tempo wears out the d. Dinking and Dunking all those inside passes happens at specific times to keep the D on the field. It's all about wearing down the opponent.