Thanks yall. :hi: Of course at the end of the day I don't see a single coach with the creditionals that we need coming. Of course things can change and hopefully hart gets it done. Just don't have a good feeling. Many accussed me of being a dooley guy cause i had a man crush or something, but i saw ahead to where we r now and didnt think him being fired would turn out getting us to "greener pasture" guarenteed. Especially with so many open programs. Will sure be a surprise whoever it is that's for sure.
Anyway...hey DTH...wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to apologize for a response I made to you a while back. I was on my phone and the Avatars don't show just the names. Thought you were the derlickmyvols guy (both of y'all start with d and capitalize). So I probably read it from his view and jumped on you. You and I may not agree sometimes but you don't come at things like guys like him. So my bad :hi: