I am OK with today as much as it stings

Let's be fair, it's not like the receivers helped him out. Tons of drops today.

They were probably shocked the ball made it to them. But the receivers needed to catch better and worley needed to put it in better places or at least get it to a receiver.
Oregon is really really good. Who do you think could play with them?
this was honestly the best offense we'll see all year. it's downhill from here for our defense....alabama is maybe the only offense we'll see that is even close to being as good.

am I crazy for thinking we're beating florida still? probably.

EDIT: by downhill I mean the opponents get easier.

UGA ain't no joke on offense. I'd say they're better offensively than Bama
I personally think Peterman would be a better fit for this offense, he's more of an athlete. On top of that, he's got a strong arm that is pretty accurate. Let's just see how next week goes.

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