I don't know about you guys

I feel better about our depth at some of the positions we were worried about heading into fall camp. I think the secondary as a whole is much improved over last years now that we have some answers at corner with Coleman, Sutton, Jones, and Foreman. The running backs was another position I was wondering about and I think we have four good ones with Neal, Lane, Hill, and Pickett. I also feel like we have four SEC caliber QBs with Worley, Peterman, Dobbs and Ferguson. I am still worried about receiver not about depth but just who is going to step up and make plays week in and week out. This is just my two cents and curious how the rest of volnation is feeling. GO VOLS!:rock:

Our RB's are average
I think Neal and Lane and even Hill will actually be very good this year. My biggest concern is the passing game and whether or not it can relieve some pressure and open some space for the running backs. One thing that will help is how good the OL is at pass blocking. That should allow the QB to sit back, be patient and wait for the WR to get open.
I don't know about you guys but my biggest fear is the defense.......I think the offense will be fine but after last years destruction of the defense makes me :sick:
I don't know about you guys but my biggest fear is the defense.......I think the offense will be fine but after last years destruction of the defense makes me :sick:

Your concern is justified, but don't dismiss the signs for optimism with the defense.
- all the starters were high ranked recruits out of HS
- much of the D from 2 years back returns. Wilcox's D wasn't bad
- new coaching staff....Sal was terrible
While I don't think I'm as confident as you are, I do feel better about the potential of all the players because of better coaching. Sutton is a freshman and the last the time we saw Coleman he was getting torched. None of our QBs have done anything to be currently considered SEC caliber.

Of course your not, look at your name "Dooby"! Confidence cannot be part of your makeup!!!
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Most of y'all are probably like me, not at practice, so all we have to go on is what we read on this site and others. Some remember the horrors of last year and all they see is doom and gloom. Others always believe everything is great we'll win them all. I'm more of the in the middle, hope we win them all and know it will never be as bad as last year. New coach= new hope but let's not fool ourselves into thinking we know how it will go.
I feel good defensively, if we can stay somewhat healthy. We are thin but pretty talented. Last year's team was lost and often out of position as has been well documented. Wilcox's defenses played well until third down and long when wilcox would go into his rush 3 men ( no , wait, one is dropping into coverage- its only a two man rush) defense. Opposing teams were picking up third and medium-to-longs all year because of poor schemes on third down. No pressure = first downs. Wilcox prepared the D well, taught tackling well, had people in the proper position ( as he was teaching "proper") and then letting the offense off the hook on third down.
My point is - we have talent, if we can just have a coordinator that won't shoot himself in the foot, we'll be okay on D.
Basically, our lines on both sides this year are very experienced and just about everyone else, save a player or two are inexperienced. Next year our skills players will be more experience but all of our experienced linemen, on both sides, will be gone. And so it goes.

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