Let's see I can think of 13 great seasons and a NC and all of you put together can think of 2 bad seasons. I wonder if any of you will ever see success like he had? Doubt it. You wouldn't apparently see success if it bit you in the azz.
Coaching is a tough occupation. You are judged by "what have you done recently?". The road is littered with former head coaches who had a great year, or two, or even a National Championship, "way back when". My question to you would be, when, if ever, does the equity for winning the 1998 BCS NC expire?
And every season that goes by with Phil Fulmer still among the ranks of the unemployed former head coaches is further testamant to the fact that he has lost his edge. If Fulmer were still considered, by his peers, mind you, as a top-flight head coach, he would have another job by now. Simple as that.
I would be among the first to agree that CPF is a hall of fame coach. But his last five years were an embarrassment to both UT football, and his legacy. Much like Brett Favre's sad descent into mediocrity, CPF...in the end...simply would not acknowledge the undeniable fact that the game had passed him by.
He apparently realizes that now.
So should you.
Go Vols.