Still, Morgan seems to be just one symptom of what ESPN has become, that no matter what you watch, listen to and read that carries the ESPN brand, ESPN should just tear it up and start over.
Did you know that they made eye contact, too?He was at second base when it happened. You know that is fine and dandy and also a point of interest that one would bring up if telling a story. Morgan took it over the line repeating 3 to 4 times the story and how he gave "Hank congrats" as he trotted by.
The other night I was watching a ESPN game that Morgan was doing and the subject of Aaron/ Bonds came up. Morgan started talking about the two and started talking about Aaron's tying home run (714).
He was at second base when it happened. You know that is fine and dandy and also a point of interest that one would bring up if telling a story. Morgan took it over the line repeating 3 to 4 times the story and how he gave "Hank congrats" as he trotted by.
This is why I dislike Joe Morgan in a nutshell. Everything is about Joe Morgan. He didn't say how long of a shot it was, he didn't mention anything Hank said, he just wanted you to know that he was there and had the gracious nature to give Hank congrats on his Home Run (You know what 9 out of 10 Professionals would do to a colleague that has achieved something as big as that). Joe Morgan is a bumbling and self-centered. ESPN Baseball coverage would be three times better with out him. Great second baseman, but second rate broadcaster.
Also, Peter Gammons is starting to show his age. I love Gammons but it looks like he's having a hard time sometimes.
Gammons has been recovering from some serious health issues....but seems to be back on track.I take this back. I saw him on the ESPN countdown to the trade deadline "Baseball Tonight" special and he was sharp and on top of everything. Referencing trades from 1996 and telling exactly how they went down.
Peter Gammons is a great example of someone who puts the game ahead of himself unlike 70% of the staff at ESPN.
Admittedly I dont know if Gammons or any other ESPN face does their own research for facts and figures, I'd think the kudos/criticism go to who puts together the info on how a ESPN telecast goes, point is I think thats why some faces are still there, some are'nt.
you think the Braves announcers are bias?
Joe Simpson is always complementary of great play by other teams and critical of the Braves at times.