I have found where gsvol and joevol...

Volatile seems to be looking for love in all the wrong places.

Here is where he get's his progressive ideas:

The People's Blog Mother Page


I hear you but it's interesting how quickly people will believe that the other side thinks so crazily. There are fringes to be sure but too often the entire other side is categorized as fringe - left and right.

I was being partially serious when I mentioned the vitriol. To me, these parodies while funny are also quite mean spirited.

I don't see them as mean spirited, really. But I understand how some could take offense to it, I just don't agree that it's offensive.
Oh, they're for real.

About as real as global warming or Obama's birth certificate.


I don't see them as mean spirited, really. But I understand how some could take offense to it, I just don't agree that it's offensive.

I'm not offended by it and find it mildly funny. However, it is a continual mocking of peoples deeply held religious beliefs. If this were done about Muslims there would be a full on shiz fit.
I'm not offended by it and find it mildly funny. However, it is a continual mocking of peoples deeply held religious beliefs. If this were done about Muslims there would be a full on shiz fit.

sort of reminds me of the scene from "Star Wars" when R2 and Chewbacca are playing that board game.

No one worries about offending and/or insulting Christians. Offending Muslims might just end with your arms getting pulled out of their sockets.
sort of reminds me of the scene from "Star Wars" when R2 and Chewbacca are playing that board game.

No one worries about offending and/or insulting Christians. Offending Muslims might just end with your arms getting pulled out of their sockets.

Wait, did you just insinuate that people of one faith are more associated with violent intolerance than the other? :)

Something a bit disquieting about your analogy and the scene you are referencings punchline..."Let the wookie win."
Wait, did you just insinuate that people of one faith are more associated with violent intolerance than the other? :)

Something a bit disquieting about your analogy and the scene you are referencings punchline..."Let the wookie win."

well, Osama is tall and hairy, so if the shoe fits...
I'm not offended by it and find it mildly funny. However, it is a continual mocking of peoples deeply held religious beliefs. If this were done about Muslims there would be a full on shiz fit.

I'm sure there's some site like this that mocks Islam. If not, then I'd be willing to create one if I knew how.

I don't see them as mean spirited, really. But I understand how some could take offense to it, I just don't agree that it's offensive.

This thread would seem to be more appropriate
for daily kos or dummy undergound than volnation
which does maintain a fairly high level despite
some rather delusional input from you and others.

In reality you should be rather embarrassed at
your own gullibility but don't let that prevent you
from projecting your own thinking about the mindset
of others.
This thread would seem to be more appropriate
for daily kos or dummy undergound than volnation
which does maintain a fairly high level despite
some rather delusional input from you and others.

In reality you should be rather embarrassed at
your own gullibility but don't let that prevent you
from projecting your own thinking about the mindset
of others.


You did notice where I stated it's satire IN THE OP, right? I'm not embarrassed in the least bit. Obviously, you want this to become a giant circlejerk for you and joevol to post anti-gay/muslim/Obama images?
This thread would seem to be more appropriate
for daily kos or dummy undergound than volnation
which does maintain a fairly high level despite
some rather delusional input from you and others.

In reality you should be rather embarrassed at
your own gullibility but don't let that prevent you
from projecting your own thinking about the mindset
of others.

Don't worry, your posts and threads speak loudly for themselves.

You did notice where I stated it's satire IN THE OP, right? I'm not embarrassed in the least bit. Obviously, you want this to become a giant circlejerk for you and joevol to post anti-gay/muslim/Obama images?


I have to confess that you, IP, Bam and PJ would all know more about circle jerks than Joe and me combined.
Cartoon-man comes swinging with a stinging quip.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I've been on the site for five minutes and this is what I've learned:

Stoning should be the most used form of capital punishment.

Stoning is often prescribed in the Bible for offenses. These days the only ones who do what the Bible calls for are the muslims. :crazy:

Jesus did say to not stone the adulteress, but many false Christians have taken that to mean that we shouldn't allow the death penalty.

Jesus never said anything about lighting people on fire.

Leviticus 21:9 If a priest's daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she also defiles her father's holiness, and she must be burned to death.

Leviticus 20:14 “‘If a man marries both a woman and her mother, it is wicked. Both he and they must be burned in the fire, so that no wickedness will be among you.

You'll probably scream that is Old Testament and it doesn't count. I would ask, if you believe in the Ten Commandments. If you do, you have to admit that God hates all art and curses people unto the fourth generation of those who hate Him.

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Since you don't believe in the OT, let's go ahead and throw it out.

Now, you have to throw away half of the New Testament where the author is quoting the Old Testament.

Any one who votes for Democrats is going to hell.
Medal of Honor shouldn't be handed out to a "Brown guy who didn't kill Jesus' enemies."
Obama is the Anti-Christ.
Catholics are a devil-worshiping cult.
Churches should have no hell-bound handicapped access.
The earth is actually flat.

All biblically researched will quote scripture upon request.

I think it's time to tone down the rhetoric - these sites are vitriolic attacks.

For actually teaching what the Bible says?

maybe it's sad you believe that many hold such exaggerated opinions :)

If people would actually read their entire Bible, they know our God, until 2000 years ago, required blood sacrifice. Thankfully, He sent Himself as a blood sacrifice to die temporarily, to save us from His place prepared for those who do things He says not to; even though He designed us in His own image even though we are defective and horrible. Shout Praise!

I hear you but it's interesting how quickly people will believe that the other side thinks so crazily. There are fringes to be sure but too often the entire other side is categorized as fringe - left and right.

I was being partially serious when I mentioned the vitriol. To me, these parodies while funny are also quite mean spirited.

Again, because we teach what is in the Bible?

Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

I'm not offended by it and find it mildly funny. However, it is a continual mocking of peoples deeply held religious beliefs. If this were done about Muslims there would be a full on shiz fit.

CelebJihad.com - Explosive Celebrity Gossip

Maybe you should also quit imitating the University of Texas with the same colors thing. It's confusing. (kidding).

Yours in how much God hasn't loved the Vols since the late 1990's.

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