I just had an Epiphany!!!



Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2013
Guys I just had an epiphany. Over the last few years I thought that the team was a reflection of the coach.

Under Fulmer in his waning years i thought that the teams just gave up because they were unmotivated and uninspired. They lost desire to fight the good fight and to never give up as so many Vols teams have in the past.

Under Kiffin I thought the team lost focus and didn't handle adversity well because our Coach wasn't up to the challenge. I thought the team gave up because the Kiffin had that tenedency about him and didn't embrace the tradition of never giving up the fight.

Under Dooley it was obvious the the team had lost all confidence and had become a team that whenever it got tough, instead of digging in their heels, they threw in the towel.

I don't know how the team will respond to the debacle of today. Only time will tell. One thing I do know from the expression on CBJ's face is that he's not happy with the team's approach after they went down a few scores. That look, and then reading the comments that I have read since the end of the game have given me the following epiphany:

Our teams have not been replicating the coaches. They have been replicating the pathetic, whiny fans that turn on the team and coaching staff and give up at the first sign of adversity. We have the opportunity to begin the rebuilding process and we KNEW THERE WOULD BE SETBACKS. Today is one of those setbacks. I would bet the house that CBJ's biggest issue with today's game is how the team folded. I don't think he will let that stand and will teach this team that winners are born through adversity. Maybe the "fan" base can learn that too and not commit Hari Kari because we had a poor showing.


I welcome your responses.

Peace Y'all:peace2:

BTW this is my first thread so I hope I didn't break any rules.
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Before anyone else states that I'm blaming the fans, I never said that. I said they replicate the fan base. But that type of defensive retort probably reiterates my point in some small way.
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Before anyone else states that I'm blaming the fans, I never said that. I said they replicate the fan base. But that type of defensive retort probably reiterates my point in some small way.

I dont see how you could actually believe this. Utter nonsense. Yes other programs fans react the same as we do
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As for a serious response:

If you think every Bama fan was not flipping their sh*t when they went down 14-0, you are off your rocker.

Fans of every team in every sport react essentially the same.

It is magnified when you expect better then what you are seeing.
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OP + Thread = Fail.

Fans are not a variable to consider in the winning/losing program equation at UT. Great players + great coaches = winning.
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Before anyone else states that I'm blaming the fans, I never said that. I said they replicate the fan base. But that type of defensive retort probably reiterates my point in some small way.

There is nothing logical about what you are saying.

Players play

Coaches coach

Fans watch
Before anyone else states that I'm blaming the fans, I never said that. I said they replicate the fan base. But that type of defensive retort probably reiterates my point in some small way.

If you had ever played a sport you would understand how illogical that is.

In high school, our wrestling team of which I was team captain, came in 4th place in the state. Huge accomplishment for us.

I would say 40% of the people in my school did not know we had a wrestling team until we hung a banner.

And they took the banner down a few years later, lol.

Fans do not have an effect on sports outside of the obvious. (Noise and numbers) And we have not faultered on those.
If you had ever played a sport you would understand how illogical that is.

In high school, our wrestling team of which I was team captain, came in 4th place in the state. Huge accomplishment for us.

I would say 40% of the people in my school did not know we had a wrestling team until we hung a banner.

And they took the banner down a few years later, lol.

Fans do not have an effect on sports outside of the obvious. (Noise and numbers) And we have not faultered on those.

it can be when it comes to recruits.....
...to the ones that set them selves up for it by whining through the entire game....it's skitzo at times to see a boo followed by a reluctant cheer....funny...

Are you saying our fan base suffers from Schizophrenia, no way.. I think most fanbases do

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