I know it was Oregon..... but

My point is that Alabama and Florida will have better defenses than any PAC 10 team. Yes Oregon is heads above Tennessee, but if we had trouble scoring on Oregon we will have even more trouble down the road. 14 points may seem like a dream.

Well, that's obvious--and obviously the whole top tier of the conference vs. Oregon is another argument. We didn't just have trouble scoring--we had trouble moving the ball! We had trouble on special teams and defense. You can downplay the opponent and what conference they came from but the bottom line is we got it handed to us. It doesn't matter what conference the opponent came from.
I think we have to agree to disagree. The talent disparity is an issue and it's been an issue in this program for the last 5 years. It's just now starting to hit again because of average to poor recruiting. Perfect play maybe would have made this game a little more competitive but that's all.

I am not disagreeing with any of those points. Our players arent that good (both physically and mentally), but our coach ran a very conservative game plan as if he had a better team. That's all I was pointing out.
Well, that's obvious--and obviously the whole top tier of the conference vs. Oregon is another argument. We didn't just have trouble scoring--we had trouble moving the ball! We had trouble on special teams and defense. You can downplay the opponent and what conference they came from but the bottom line is we got it handed to us. It doesn't matter what conference the opponent came from.

Right, and if we got it handed to us against Oregon, we will get it handed to us even more by Bama and Florida (at least on defense).

Right now I am not sure exactly what level of SEC team our offense can outscore.
Right, and if we got it handed to us against Oregon, we will get it handed to us even more by Bama and Florida (at least on defense).

Right now I am not sure exactly what level of SEC team our offense can outscore.

Oregon plays exceptional defense for a unit that is on the field for fully two-thirds of each contest.
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Oregon plays exceptional defense for a unit that is on the field for fully two-thirds of each contest.

It's not that difficult when you plan for it year after year and the fact that no one really goes at that pace to wear them out. We gave them way to many chances to sub guys in and out. Oregon runs up-tempo. We are just walking briskly.
So are we surprised that a new coach doesn't have a team ready to compete against the #2 team in the country in the 3rd game??? Seems so many bought into the "He gets it" stuff and that all the marketing stuff was actually going to make the team win instantly. It takes time. Not because the players are bad, but because they need time. Yall wanted the change, so except the fact that it's not going to instant.

It drives me nuts that all these people come on here and bash these kids that are going out there and working their butts off in Orange. They may not be ready or the coaching isn't there but saying the suck isn't fair. We had a RB that was leading the SEC last year until he got hurt, behind the same OL, so at this pt it's getting use to the coaching/schemes. Saying that leaving CBJ a "Gatorade Player of the Year," and a 4* QB that CBJ wanted to come to Cincy is bad on Dooley is just foolish. Not saying we should have the O we had last year, but CBJ should be able to get things together soon.

For the record though...imo thinking that we should go to Oregon and beat them or make it a better game is naive. They've been built over yrs, have had consistency, and at the top of the game for yrs now. We are rotating coaches like crazy, and have been at the bottom for a long time. It's not all Dooley's fault either.

Problem we have at UT is that a coach can't come in with time, and build what he needs to. So many think "We Are UT dangit!!" and think that it's just a snap of their fingers. The Oregon's, Standfords, USCjr, etc were built under the noses of fan bases that weren't micromanaging everything. I know I have very little fans around here, but until we put "The Legion of the Miserable" in check we will be doomed for a while. Not many coaches out there for us to get lucky like bama did. We would need the likes of Harbough or Chip Kelly to get the itch for college again for us to believe there is some possibility of instant success.

Just all imho that's all...GBO!!!
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Let's cut the superior talent junk. They have good talent that was recruited for that particular system. They have a great system that the players have totally bought into.

We have good players that have been recruited by 4 different HC's and that have played in 3 different systems. We do not have the roster to run the current system effectively. It remains to be seen if the current system can rise to the level of Oregon. It will take 5-10 years to know the final answer.

Which is why they should play every true or RS freshman player they have as many snaps as possible. If you have some of the others that totally buy in and are willing to do what it takes to get it done they should play as well. But this mismatched roster is the issue.

5-10 years? That is bs.
i hate the spread and read option offense. With those monster lineman we should be lined up i form and big formations running the football
aaaahhhhh... the times when people complained about Bray, Hunter, Patterson, and the most productive offense in school history.

People are blind and naïve if they didn't see this coming

......bolded for truth.
I created this account in 2010 when oregon and tennessee last played, didnt post a whole lot other than to find out a little more about UT and their fans.. I usually go and read every forum of each team that we are preparing to play including volnation over the last week or so. I haven't posted anything simply, but have read through most of the threads on here. Vols fans are by far the most classy and realistic / level headed fans that oregon has had the pleasure of playing, in fact, I wish oregon fans were half the class UT fans are.

having said that, after reading this thread I had to give my 2 cents. the OP mentioned oregons defense and how it isnt comparable to floridas. I find that simply putting it like that is a disrespect to the game, and i am almost certain that the OP simply muttered such words based on one fact and one fact only, oregon plays in the pac-12 and florida is in the SEC.

Oregons D is far different than the D they've had in prior years, oregon has arguably the best secondary in the nation. If you go back and watch the game, and focus on the receivers and their routes instead of staring at worley, you'll see that the receivers just couldnt find room to get open.

The d-line is pretty dang good as well! in 3 games, oregon has held nicholls st, virginia, and tennessee to just 300 yards rushing combined and 24 combined points (7 of those points were in garbage time on the 3rd string last week) and although playing nicholls st isnt anything to brag about, what oregon has done in 3 games is better than what some other teams have done to similar competition in only 2 games. (total wise and percentage wise)

florida for example... in 2 games, florida has given up 27 combined points to its opponents. (toledo and miami)

you also have to consider the fact that oregons defense is on the field on average 10-15 more minutes than a team like florida since oregon is scoring TD's in under 2 minutes. that is a FULL quarter more that oregons defense is playing!
(floridas defense was on the field for 20 minutes vs miami while oregons defense was on the field for 34 minutes vs tennessee)

simply saying florida's D will do better than oregons D well, "just because..." is being ignorant, and to be honest, watching florida, i am not convinced they are that good. If tennessee can find a way to move the ball with peterman, then expect a close game. I hope you guys can pull it off!
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Sure, but some of what happened against Oregon was not at all due to superior athletes. Tennessee completely blew coverages and totally missed defensive assignments, letting wide receivers for Oregon just run wide open to the point that the game announcers were aghast at how blatant the defensive mistakes were.

that has nothing to do with speed or physical talent and everything to do with what's between the ears.

A defense managed by a DC whose pass defensives have ranked at the bottom of the conference of every defense he's coached for the last four years might have been a key culprit. Hiring a fired Georgia DC for Cincy may have been ok; keeping him for Tennessee was just a plain mistake that will cost us against any team with a semblance of a passing game.
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A defense managed by a DC whose pass defensives have ranked at the bottom of the conference of every defense he's coached for the last four years might have been a key culprit. Hiring a fired Georgia DC for Cincy may have been ok; keeping him for Tennessee was just a plain mistake that will cost us against any team with a semblance of a passing game.

A defense managed by a DC whose pass defensives have ranked at the bottom of the conference of every defense he's coached for the last four years might have been a key culprit. Hiring a fired Georgia DC for Cincy may have been ok; keeping him for Tennessee was just a plain mistake that will cost us against any team with a semblance of a passing game.

No. No. No.

You are under the impression that the amount of passing yards you give up automatically equates to a bad pass defense. What do you expect when you play against a high octane offense like Oregon? Their are QB's that win the heisman in this conference and that's not because they play against bad passing defense week after week. You are going to give up yards. But yards don't put points on the board baby! Let's look at the last 2 years combined in defense so I can correct you train of thought.

Cincy : 32
UT - 21

---TD's allowed---
Cincy : 30
UT : 40

---Scoring Defense---
Cincy : 19 ppg avg.
UT : 28 ppg avg.

Nevermind that Cincy played over 100 more snaps than any other defense in the Big East last year, which does not mean that they were bad, merely that the offense COULD have just scored often, kinda like last years UT team did except that CBJ's teams still managed to keep their opponent from scoring, forced more turnovers, and still matched us in all offensive categories.

You can't just wake up one day a s*** out a diamond. It takes time. Now, i'm just as embarassed as the next guy after the Oregon game, but let's face it, Oregon is GOOD.
So good, that I think they would run up the score on even Bama. They have the personnel to match their scheme. We don't.
I understand Dooley left us with a bunch of crappy players and its not butch Jones's fault. However, more gutsy, creative play calling might of at least provided a little spark in our otherwise DOA offense. Enough about Oregon, now on to Florida.

After seeing our offense's lack of ability (I am quite positive Florida will play better defense than Oregon) and given that our defense looked pretty much the same as last year in terms of having huge mistakes and blown assignments, I fear the Vols will pull down another "L". I had a little bit of sincere hope when Florida's offense looked so bad against Miami, but our defense makes anybody look like a Heisman candidate.

Only time will tell, but I dislike Derek Dooley more and more with every passing day. I just cant wait for some of CBJ's recruits to begin contributing to the rebuilding process.


The Cherokee and their bows/arrows really should have been more gutsy in their play calls against the US Cavalry.

Dude, Saturday was a trail of tears moment. There was no answer for the talent disparity. Period. Any conjecture about going for it every 4th down is just that-- conjecture. It amounts to nothing more than, "I, personally, would have done it differently." You, personally, would have probably been beaten by 70.

I know this is a long shot, but perhaps Butch decided to pull some plays so that we dont give florida anything to work with. I mean, in the grand scheme of things the Oregon game is pointless.

Tell that to the fanbase.
I understand Dooley left us with a bunch of crappy players and its not butch Jones's fault. However, more gutsy, creative play calling might of at least provided a little spark in our otherwise DOA offense. Enough about Oregon, now on to Florida.

After seeing our offense's lack of ability (I am quite positive Florida will play better defense than Oregon) and given that our defense looked pretty much the same as last year in terms of having huge mistakes and blown assignments, I fear the Vols will pull down another "L". I had a little bit of sincere hope when Florida's offense looked so bad against Miami, but our defense makes anybody look like a Heisman candidate.

Only time will tell, but I dislike Derek Dooley more and more with every passing day. I just cant wait for some of CBJ's recruits to begin contributing to the rebuilding process.


No. It does not. Don't forget, Oregon's offense is much different than most.

WKU Commits Five Turnovers In Six Plays
I know this is a long shot, but perhaps Butch decided to pull some plays so that we dont give florida anything to work with. I mean, in the grand scheme of things the Oregon game is pointless.

Except this time last week it wasn't; it was a game several, SEVERAL fans here said we had a "great" chance to upset and that there's no way we'd be run out of the stadium.

And stop with the "Jones held back" crap, that's utterly ridiculous.

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