I Never Saw So Much Hunger For College Football

I and most of my friends have reached the fifth stage of death: acceptance. We are not going to be a powerhouse football team anytime soon. And by soon, I might very well mean in my remaining lifetime. I have accepted that and have only watched 2 games this year, and frankly haven't missed it all that much. I guarantee you that I won't watch the boat race against FU. And I am not by any stretch of the imagination a fair weather fan... I LOVE Big Orange football. I just haven't seen any of late.
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I and most of my friends have reached the fifth stage of death: acceptance. We are not going to be a powerhouse football team anytime soon. And by soon, I might very well mean in my remaining lifetime. I have accepted that and have only watched 2 games this year, and frankly haven't missed it all that much. I guarantee you that I won't watch the boat race against FU. And I am not by any stretch of the imagination a fair weather fan... I LOVE Big Orange football. I just haven't seen any of late.
We have joined the ranks of Nebraska, UCLA, Southern Cal, Colorado, SMU, etc. who may never achieve relevance again.
I'm just saying that it is easy right now to get on a moral high horse and virtue signal on a team that is collapsing. But if our record was flipped, don't think anyone would have reason to use that excuse. I had, frankly, forgotten about the BLM thing they did until I saw this thread.

I guess part of that is I don't get "triggered" to easily, either.

I think this belongs on the politics thread.
I was raised half in tn and half in oh.

I am actually an ohio state alumni.

I went to osu games and the sugar while at college but started to hate them as I felt their conference was a joke.

I wore my ut hat all the time on campus.

Moved back in 09 and had plans to buy season tickets and raise my kids vol fans like their dad.

Now.....now I'm thinking i was an idiot.

All those years of missed joy I could of had with my kids going to buckeye games. My buddy was right....you cant pick your conference.

I think I am going to get season tickets next year to the Buckeyes. My kids are all in high school now and wont even go to UT games with me anymore so I quit going.

They will probably end up going to OSU too. Oddly, osu is much more conservative.

Cant believe I feel this way anymore.

Just sad.......
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Guessing this got dumped here from FB forum.

But WTF? I had forgotten all about that, and don't care. Sucks to lose when you've been waiting decades for a showing, and are just coming off of great season.
Who was coming off a great season?


I tried to watch the osu vs Indiana game and ended up cheering for Indiana.

I am screwed.

Gonna be with you guys in the life raft boats even after we sinking thinking we can still save the ship if we can just find a big enough crane.
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We have joined the ranks of Nebraska, UCLA, Southern Cal, Colorado, SMU, etc. who may never achieve relevance again.
Agreed, but I think we’re actually much closer to Mizzou, Kentucky, Ole Miss, and Arkansas than the first 4 you mentioned

I tried to watch the osu vs Indiana game and ended up cheering for Indiana.

I am screwed.

Gonna be with you guys in the life raft boats even after we sinking thinking we can still save the ship if we can just find a big enough crane.
Indiana’s coach has done a nice job with that program - I’ll be interested to see if he can maintain it
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Indiana’s coach has done a nice job with that program - I’ll be interested to see if he can maintain it

He can clearly coach and he will never leave. Probably his dream job outside of Notre dame maybe.
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So... Black Lives *Don't* Matter.

Got it.

Thanks for documenting that racism is alive and well in East Tennessee.

Also, wake up and join the 21st century. Here's your 2020 starting lineup for the Vols. Note the Pronunciation Guide to help your transition to the real world.

View attachment 323243

Another idiotic post from an ignorant sheep.
I have watched all 6 games from start to finish.......................unfortunately. What I meant was .....is it the realm of possibility to have a "winning product on the field " in Knoxville again?
same here. Who knows if we'll get back.

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