I plan on only watching the first quarter. If

OP is your username a reference to where you bury your head for the final three quarters?
What a load!!! I will watch every second of the game...just like I have always done (except in the old days when I sat with my Dad and listened to John Ward and Bill Anderson describe the action on the radio). Good times or bad, they are MY team and I will support them.
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more of you Vol fans would do that this season I think you'd enjoy the season a lot more.

Quote by HEP: OP is your username a reference to where you bury your head for the final three quarters?

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I always watch to the bitter end. The last time I turned a Tennessee game off early I was in the army stationed in Germany we were playing Notre Dame on aged forces network . The game was broadcast at 3:00 am and I was pumped because they never showed my vols there.I stayed up to watch it we were down by 30 at halftime so I went to bed and any true vol fan knows the rest of the story. all vol all the time will never do that again. Bleed orange ! Negavols beware.
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I never turn a game off or leave a game early. The team is there for four quarters. I always support the team till they leave the field.
Give your all, or don't expect the players to. Win or Lose. Just Support and get all in.
No VFL has this attitude. It gets hard to watch sometimes, but will NEVER abandon my Vols! Thru thick & thin, my blood runs deep orange!
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