I really miss the.....

Maybe politicians and the political elite can let people decide for themselves which events to attend. Living in fear is not living at all. Saturday's on Rocky Top is honestly a part of the culture of East Tennessee, just my two cents.

Then maybe politicians and the political elite can figure out how to exclude the fearless from receiving care that is partially provided by all us sheep. Maybe you will sign up to prevent use of a ventilator that could be used for us scaredy cats.
Maybe politicians and the political elite can let people decide for themselves which events to attend. Living in fear is not living at all. Saturday's on Rocky Top is honestly a part of the culture of East Tennessee, just my two cents.

Then maybe politicians and the political elite can figure out how to exclude the fearless from receiving care that is partially provided by all us sheep. Maybe you will sign up to prevent use of a ventilator that could be used for us scaredy cats.
Then maybe politicians and the political elite can figure out how to exclude the fearless from receiving care that is partially provided by all us sheep. Maybe you will sign up to prevent use of a ventilator that could be used for us scaredy cats.

Nah, denying the threat is real, taking zero precautions, and then dying while intubated face down and covered in a fountain of your excrement is the way to go!
I really miss the.....


OMG, THIS. I’m with you. I love the game day atmosphere, but after game activity after a big win is amazing. Nothing in the world quite like it. It’s been a dayumn minute since we have had that
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Then maybe politicians and the political elite can figure out how to exclude the fearless from receiving care that is partially provided by all us sheep. Maybe you will sign up to prevent use of a ventilator that could be used for us scaredy cats.
First off, so much wrong with your reply. I guess it is a good thing that all of the medical insurance isn't government-run, at least not yet. I pay for the quality of medical care that is provided to me, not politicians, so your sarcasm is moot. Nobody is stopping you from doing what you think is in your best interest, but your rights do not supersede those rights of others, and vice versa; don't forget that. I could elaborate, but it will be of no use because you have already been conditioned to be told what and how to think. It is safe to assume you are elderly and or with preexisting conditions.
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Maybe politicians and the political elite can let people decide for themselves which events to attend. Living in fear is not living at all. Saturday's on Rocky Top is honestly a part of the culture of East Tennessee, just my two cents.

You should take this BS to the political forum.

Some people enjoy talking football in the football forum.
Then maybe politicians and the political elite can figure out how to exclude the fearless from receiving care that is partially provided by all us sheep. Maybe you will sign up to prevent use of a ventilator that could be used for us scaredy cats.

It's not that simple. None of this is.

Over the course of this whole thing, I have and could post links to people "of science" who within in a year have provided information to the public that a mask didn't help, to wear a mask, to wear two masks, to wear eye goggles in addition to a mask, etc. Anyone else remember when people were using wipes to sanitize their groceries or buying groceries and letting them sit somewhere for two weeks before using them?

A vaccine has been developed by a few companies. Its degree of effectiveness keeps changing. There are reports of people having adverse reactions to it. This is from the CDC.

In addition to all that, COVID has a lot of similarities to the flu (which was lampooned at one time) in that there are multiple strains of this thing. As such, at best, the vaccine may be effective for one strain but not other strains. This is why people who get the flu shot still get the flu.

While I understand that the seriousness of this was dismissed at one time, the seriousness of the consequences of our response is equally dismissed. The government can't keep cutting checks to people, which mark my words, will be an expectation of a great many after this whole ordeal is over with. We can't continue to keep schools closed. We can't keep doing a lot of the things we are doing.

And before anyone asks, yes, members of my family (including my brother and his wife and kids) have had COVID. And everyone in my inner circle who has gotten COVID, woke up, went to work, wore a mask, and went home. They didn't do anything irresponsible and they still got COVID.
"America's pandemic response is deemed to be better than just four nations; Brazil - which was ranked bottom of the list - Mexico, Colombia and Iran."

Revealed: USA ranked as having 5th worst coronavirus pandemic response in the world | The Irish Post
Why would I put stock in what “the Irish post” says? Don’t care what some globalist dork who wrote that says. All these other countries just want to make gullible idiots here think that we owe them something.
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"America's pandemic response is deemed to be better than just four nations; Brazil - which was ranked bottom of the list - Mexico, Colombia and Iran."

Revealed: USA ranked as having 5th worst coronavirus pandemic response in the world | The Irish Post

And this is another issue. I don't trust the reporting from place to place. Sorry.

India has 1.3 billion people. It is a country with extreme poverty, extreme population density in certain cities like Delhi and Calcutta. Yet, their COVID numbers are way, way better than not just the United States, but most places across the Earth.

If the numbers are true then I have a few questions. Have they been standing 6 feet apart? Have they been sanitizing everything? Have they been wearing masks properly as well as washing and disposing of them properly? Did they have a strain on their healthcare system?

What were they doing that prevented the outbreak from exploding?
Everyone gots to decide for themselves.

On the other hand, here's how I see it: the more of us get the vaccine, the closer we are to filling up Neyland again on Saturdays.

I got my first shot on Thursday.

Go Vols!

I really think the whole argument will be mostly a moot point by game day in September. The number of active cases is going down sharply as I type (unfortunately, not the number of deaths yet), and I believe by April, or May at the latest, this is going to be past the pandemic realm. Sure, there may be isolated outbreaks, but it is going to be more a nuisance than deadly fear kind of thing.

I was one of those who thought it was too risky to have football this past season, but I am not a believer that this going to be a continuous concern. We are going to have our herd immunity. It is just about time to move on with life.

I haven't got a jab yet, but I am on the list. If I may add: we eat any and everything that our super markets and convenience stores throw at us. We take every form of pill that our doctor prescribes. We drive cars every day. We have always simply rolled our sleeves up, and took what they gave us. This vaccination thing is no different than any of the dozens of other shots that we have had. It's time we finish this thing, once and for all. jmo
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Everyone gots to decide for themselves.

On the other hand, here's how I see it: the more of us get the vaccine, the closer we are to filling up Neyland again on Saturdays.

I got my first shot on Thursday.

Go Vols!

As a COVID survivor that had the infusion I cannot get the shots for a couple more months. But I will without anyone having a clue how long they will be effective or if variants will be covered. Has to help. 6 out of a 100 who think they are safe probably are not.
I was the victim of a false negative test of a relative. They got the result, we arrived the next day and BAM, the rest is history. No guarantees with technology but still the smart play.
Because I'm a healthy individual I take care of myself, and don't eat fast food everyday like most lazy ass slobs in this country!!!!! I took a flu shot once in my life and get sick as hell the next day, I won't take those either!!!
Unfortunately this is flawed thinking. This virus has attacked the healthy and unhealthy just the same... I have a friend who died that was top top shape, former D2 basketball player, current coach, who nearly never ate outside his diet. He had an underlying lung issue that may trace back to him spending lots of time with a grandpa who was a smoker. I know for a fact he felt the same as you but it but him in the ass. Wasn’t careful with mask or distancing.
Unfortunately this is flawed thinking. This virus has attacked the healthy and unhealthy just the same... I have a friend who died that was top top shape, former D2 basketball player, current coach, who nearly never ate outside his diet. He had an underlying lung issue that may trace back to him spending lots of time with a grandpa who was a smoker. I know for a fact he felt the same as you but it but him in the ass. Wasn’t careful with mask or distancing.
It’s a very unpredictable virus and how it effects people young and old and healthy and unhealthy. My cousin was in great shape still young at 33 and got it really bad he spent a month in the hospital and on a ventilator. Fortunately he survived and recovered but still has lingering side effects including shortness of breath and getting easily winded just walking around the house.
Because I'm a healthy individual I take care of myself, and don't eat fast food everyday like most lazy ass slobs in this country!!!!! I took a flu shot once in my life and get sick as hell the next day, I won't take those either!!!

I sure respect your opinion but Covid doesn't choose who it infects, it does it's thing to anyone regardless of health, wealth, weight, & etc. _ Please wear a mask, wash hands and social distance.
I sure respect your opinion but Covid doesn't choose who it infects, it does it's thing to anyone regardless of health, wealth, weight, & etc. _ Please wear a mask, wash hands and social distance.
Listen my buddy does Uber full-time every single person who has had covid-19, who rode in his car wore masks all the time, and one of their aunt's stayed in her house during shutdown for 2 months never saw a person and got covid!!!!

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