I thought all Tea Party members were white, racist males

To a certain extent much of what he says is backed up by what we see going on around us, he is speaking about pop culture and there is a significant number of the population who feel this way. Currently less value is placed on education and personal responsibility not to mention values.

There is a good amount of Caucasians who fall prey to what you're describing. It's not limited to one race.
There is a good amount of Caucasians who fall prey to what you're describing. It's not limited to one race.

I never claimed it did only apply to one race. Just backing him up with some facts anyone who pays attention to pop culture and what they see going on around them sees for themselves. I would say that the man of African descent who speaks proper English and dresses in a professional manner is very often looked at as a "sell out" or "Uncle Tom" by his community.
I would say that the man of African descent who speaks proper English and dresses in a professional manner is very often looked at as a "sell out" or "Uncle Tom" by his community.

Sort of like a Tennessee native who is a liberal, huh? ;)
This makes no sense.

If they had to vote Democrat it would be 100%. Obviously from years of prejudice and bigotry, the African-American community would put firm support behind President Obama. I'm not arguing with the fact they overwhelmingly vote Democratic, that's a given. The rest is stereotypical and ridiculous.

Last time I checked, Bill Clinton and Lurch were white as snow and they still received a vast majority of the Black vote. Is it the fact they are Democratic?
Years of prejudice and bigotry! Lincoln was a Republican. Most white southerners were Democrats who hated blacks and were for segregation. So I call BS!!

Actually Michael Steele and one of the most conservative individuals I know, Alan Keyes, laughs at these ridiculous comments.

They are among the 5% of Blacks that didnt fall under the spell of Obama. I applaud that 5% that voted based on principles and not color. Standing up for whats right and not blindly following the rest of you who eat up his garbage.

Caucasians out number African-Americans by a wide margin, duh. You only mentioned one fact. The feminism, slavery crap ... is garbage.

Then how did a black president get elected? What if whites voted for the president that was white like the majority of blacks voted for Obama because he was Black? Because you said they don't vote just Democrat, so it must of been because of his color. Is that not racist? Not to the liberal eye its not, is it?

It's too bad the Republican party is 95% is white, and geographically concentrated.

I wouldn't make it that high, but the majority is white. Cant argue with that.
I wouldn't make it that high, but the majority is white. Cant argue with that.

Did Bill get as many votes? 96%?

Point proven - Spell of Obama, principles, blindly following. Give me a break, I like President Obama, but I'm not in love with him, African-Americans aren't either.

There is a substantial difference, Caucasians weren't subject to years of prejudice and racial divide. It was a long time coming for the African-American community. Some Caucasians don't mind voting for those who are different. Forty-three of our Forty-four presidents have been Caucasian.

What? You're puzzling me. You say that they are among the 5% of African-Americans who didn't fall under the spell, then proceed to say it's racist that they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. You're comparing an overwhelming majority to a minority.

Tell me, if 43/43 Presidents were Caucasian, and your small, small minority was subject to prejudice, bigotry, and slavery for hundreds of years, you wouldn't vote for a perfectly capable African-American?
Quit trying to tie the fringe in with the majority.

Perhaps the most ironic thing I have ever heard. Conservative radio is all about taking a few quotes from Sharpton and Moore and making it seem like every Democrat embraces all of it.

At least I frequently acknolwedge that not all tea partiers are bigoted. Fox News and Hannity and Beck and their ilk have trademarked painting with as broad a brush as possible, even if inaccurately.

So its not fair to call the black members of the TP "traitors"? But it is still ok to call the white members "racist". because they disagree with a black president?

Hes wrong LG, he would be wrong if he was white as well.

You assume that the reason I say that there are some strong racial undercurrents to some of this is simply because they disagree with a President who happens to be black.

That is a gross and inaccurate oversimplification, and you know it.

I know, and its very scary.
You can add the entitlement programs to things that are keeping blacks in their current situation.

No stereotyping going on here.
Did Bill get as many votes? 96%?

Point proven - Spell of Obama, principles, blindly following. Give me a break, I like President Obama, but I'm not in love with him, African-Americans aren't either.

There is a substantial difference, Caucasians weren't subject to years of prejudice and racial divide. It was a long time coming for the African-American community. Some Caucasians don't mind voting for those who are different. Forty-three of our Forty-four presidents have been Caucasian.

What? You're puzzling me. You say that they are among the 5% of African-Americans who didn't fall under the spell, then proceed to say it's racist that they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. You're comparing an overwhelming majority to a minority.

Tell me, if 43/43 Presidents were Caucasian, and your small, small minority was subject to prejudice, bigotry, and slavery for hundreds of years, you wouldn't vote for a perfectly capable African-American?

The bold is simply untrue. Ask Irish and Italians about bigotry. Granted it was not of the same level but they received plenty of bigotry and hatred in America.
To be fair, it's hard to understand what he's saying when he has a ball gag in his mouth and his face is buried in the crotch of a stripper.


In other news, the Pornstar Stormy Daniels has switched parties because the Republicans stand for bondage.

Perhaps the most ironic thing I have ever heard. Conservative radio is all about taking a few quotes from Sharpton and Moore and making it seem like every Democrat embraces all of it.

At least I frequently acknolwedge that not all tea partiers are bigoted. Fox News and Hannity and Beck and their ilk have trademarked painting with as broad a brush as possible, even if inaccurately.

It isn't even remotely limited to the likes of Beck and Hannity or conservative radio, these just happen to be people who you disagree with so you point them out while ignoring the same tactics used by Maddow and Olbermann and any number of those on the left who do the exact same, Michael Moore included.

They haven't trade marked anything as I've pointed out above, you just disagree with them and are unable to see without bias. At least I am aware it happens in political talk radio and tv as a whole and don't attribute it to one side or the other alone.

Once again you've shown just how objectivity is a concept you are either unable or unwilling use.
Did Bill get as many votes? 96%?

Point proven - Spell of Obama, principles, blindly following. Give me a break, I like President Obama, but I'm not in love with him, African-Americans aren't either.

Why does he hold such an Idol position with so many in America?
Why did so many in the Black community refer to him as a "messiah"?

There is a substantial difference, Caucasians weren't subject to years of prejudice and racial divide. It was a long time coming for the African-American community. Some Caucasians don't mind voting for those who are different. Forty-three of our Forty-four presidents have been Caucasian.

But now blacks want to seperate themselves from whites.

Black Miss America
Black Democratic Caucuses
Black Chamber of Commerce
Blacks in Government
Black Data Processing Associates
Congressional Black Caucuses
National Association of Black Journalists

Shall I continue!!

Black Organizations .

What? You're puzzling me. You say that they are among the 5% of African-Americans who didn't fall under the spell, then proceed to say it's racist that they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. You're comparing an overwhelming majority to a minority.

95% of blacks voted for Obama. 100%-95%= 5%

That means 5% of the blacks that voted, didnt vote for Obama.

Why did they not vote for Obama?

Are they sell-outs? Do they work for "The Man"?

Tell me, if 43/43 Presidents were Caucasian, and your small, small minority was subject to prejudice, bigotry, and slavery for hundreds of years, you wouldn't vote for a perfectly capable African-American?

That card has been played way too much. Its getting old
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Perhaps the most ironic thing I have ever heard. Conservative radio is all about taking a few quotes from Sharpton and Moore and making it seem like every Democrat embraces all of it.

At least I frequently acknolwedge that not all tea partiers are bigoted. Fox News and Hannity and Beck and their ilk have trademarked painting with as broad a brush as possible, even if inaccurately.

You assume that the reason I say that there are some strong racial undercurrents to some of this is simply because they disagree with a President who happens to be black.

That is a gross and inaccurate oversimplification, and you know it.

No stereotyping going on here.


This deserves a thread by itself. Incredible...

Unfortunately many of my thread starters end up being transferred to the 'gsvol compendium' thread and thusly buried.

Charlotte Bergmann of Memphis, who is opposing Steve Cohen who is one of the most radical leftist congressmen in Washington, blasts Cohen for his recent hate speech toward anti-tax tea party people likening them to KKK rallies.

In another move from Memphis, the local tea party founder announces a nationwide federation of tea parties.

The National Federation Tea Party includes groups like the Tea Party Express, which is currently on a 42-city bus tour across the country, as well as Tea Party Nation, ResistNet, Constitutional TEA Party and American Grassroots Coalition.

The federation also includes several conservative "affiliate groups" like Americans for Prosperity, American for Tax Reform, FreedomWorks and Citizens United.

The democrat/socialist party doesn't have a leg to stand on, that's why they must resort to an attempt to demonize all those who oppose them.

Not many are buying this crappola anymore.

And their ace in the hole, or card up their sleeve if you prefer, the race card, is a bit frayed around the edges with the spots worn off.
You know this to be the truth because you're black and have been elected to speak for all of your contemporaries, correct?

I have to believe this is true. Otherwise, it might just be the most ignorant thing I've ever read.

Don't read your own posts much, huh?

I believe Al Gore meets those qualifications.

Al Gore claims Tennessee.

Tennessee doesn't claim Al Gore.
Wow, so all I have to do is make a movie with pictures from 75 years ago and present and I will get a Nobel Prize and a PhD?

I am in the wrong racket......

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