I want to



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
:aggressive: John Adams. I can not stand to read or hear is wise guy remarks. I made the mistake of reading his article about how Tennessee can get back to the top of SEC and of course it just mocks Tennessee by saying top coaches and or top schools recruiters would have to leave for Tennessee to get back to top! :aggressive: Gets on my nerves! :angry:
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I actually read that "article". As per usual, I find his writing to be lazy and uninspired. I don't really care if a writer has a viewpoint that is anti-UT, I just want to read something interesting and thought provoking.

What Adams did here was just basically say that if every other team burst into flames, UT could be a force in the east. Not clever, not funny, not thought provoking.

I had almost forgotten the joy that I get from not reading anything on GoVolsExtra.
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John Adams is Barney Fife's evil -- and wimpier -- twin. He's the kid in class who was too geeky to be a jock, but too dull to be a nerd, so he just smirked and sucked up to the cool kids, who barely tolerated him because he would lick-shine their boots.
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John Adams is the Jimmy Hyams of GoVolsExtra. Makes me throw up in my mouth when I hear either of their opinions.
As I posted on that thread/tos, Adams dos not like UT. Even when I was student in the early 90's he was ragging on Johnny then Phil. He even said we backed our way into the winning the 98 title b/c Fl State played a third string qb.

He is a small man imo, physical statute and mentally.
John Adams is Barney Fife's evil -- and wimpier -- twin. He's the kid in class who was too geeky to be a jock, but too dull to be a nerd, so he just smirked and sucked up to the cool kids, who barely tolerated him because he would lick-shine their boots.

He really is lol. Such a weasely little man. His columns are boring as hell. Basically he's Mort on Family Guy but with the personality of the nonconformist guy who is so nonconformist he doesn't know who to not conform to anymore. And tell me somebody got that
He was a much better president than writer. He kept us out of war with Britain and France when we were just a sprouting nation for goodness sake!
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:aggressive: John Adams. I can not stand to read or hear is wise guy remarks. I made the mistake of reading his article about how Tennessee can get back to the top of SEC and of course it just mocks Tennessee by saying top coaches and or top schools recruiters would have to leave for Tennessee to get back to top! :aggressive: Gets on my nerves! :angry:

I honestly stopped reading any John Adams column about a year ago. I wrote him and stated as much. I told him I was sick of his predictable, negative "glass half empty" columns regarding UT sports. I pointed out that he was constantly writing negative columns even during UT's 1998 championship run....until they won it....then he finally wrote a couple of positive ones. Anyway, I suggested that he'd surely enjoy covering a program that he actually supports. I suggested Vanderbilt. I will never read another Adams column period. GO VOLS!
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He didn't write anything that hadn't been written on here 1000 times.
He was a much better president than writer. He kept us out of war with Britain and France when we were just a sprouting nation for goodness sake!

Alien and Sedition acts killed Adams the president's career. He's a little goober.
His "articles" take me back to my high school days when I would write a report in homeroom 15 minutes before it was due.
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Does Adams suck? Sure. Is he the problem? IMO KNS is. And the people as a whole sit back and let stuff slide. Every other town has homers covering their teams. But not Knoxville. 600,000 people in the metro but all we can get are hacks who rep other teams. The local media here (KNS primarily) is the main force driving negativity surrounding the university and it's sports programs. I hear people complaining, yet EVERYTIME he writes a piece of his pathetic trash on GVX, you have 200 comments on his blog.
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Know what love is?

Simple solution...stop supporting him with "hits" to his articles.

TFP gets my clicks.
Adams you need to know your role AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! ( insert my best Rock voice ):)
Is the Knoxville Journal still in business? We need another Knoxville news outlet other than KNS. It is horrible to read that junk. Yes, I do not care for John Adams and the LSU crew at KNS Sports.
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