I was Fulmer, I was Gruden, I am now Butch

I still don't know why people think Gruden would have been a great coach. He's been out of the game for a while and has never proven himself in college. That's for a different discussion though.

The TN team is like night and day when comparing Dooleys teams to Butch's team. Yesterday, our guys had discipline. They worked extremely hard to get what they got yesterday. Everyone hustled. They actually gave a ****...That's something we haven't seen in a while. Also, the penalties are a huge plus. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we only had 3 penalties yesterday. That's 3 penalties in 2 games. HUGE improvement already is being seen. Go vols.
we had no shot at gruden. any hard proof to suggest otherwise?

Then who was Dave Hart talking to for the three weeks before it was revealed that we finally offered Grundy. If you think that Hart waited three weeks before making his first offer then he should be fired.

There is not one doubt in my mind that we were in with Gruden and thought that we could get him to come to our terms instead of his. It took two weeks before his agent finally made a statement that nothing was going on. I believe Gruden wanted the job but it was the major donors that had the shakey legs on the big money. Hart was extremely lucky to pick up Butch.
The root of this thread lies with the failure of the powers at UT to recognize what was happening in the SEC in 2005. Fulmer had a stagnant program that was on the slide and only breathed on its own when David Cutcliffe came back. At the same time Florida was pursuing the best college coach in the country. Alabama was printing money to go after the best ex-college coach in the country. Both of those programs had winners in place but they wanted champions. Zook never had a losing season at Florida and Shula went 10-2 the year before.

It is not always about what you are doing but also your competition. You may be on top of the world making Mercedes but if you do not understand that the competition is going to clean your clock with a Lexus then you are going to be second rate.

Fulmer and Hamilton mistakenly thought that they were the premier program and everything would just cycle back to them with little effort. That was probably the biggest mistake ever for the UT program.

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