Originally posted by milohimself@Mar 28, 2005 1:53 AM
No... I've seen this kind of thing happen at other boards, and when you get this many posters, the result is NEVER good. It may happen here, but it is easily taken care of with good moderation.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Mar 27, 2005 1:08 AM
I was thinking tonight that maybe we should have a separate unmoderated forum where people can debate and talk smack. It would allow fans of other schools and others to come and talk all the smack they want. It would have to be kept clean and would carry a warning to enter at your own risk.
Some people seem to really get a kick out of this type of thing and it would be a venue for that without cluttering up the other areas of the board.
good idea or bad?
Originally posted by volmanjr@Mar 28, 2005 8:01 PM
"I'd love to get into a heated debate with a gator fan or a Bammer with 3 teeth(1 in their mouth and 2 in their pocket)....The occasional Georgia and LSU fan would be fun too....I say go for it "
believe me we get more than enough of that during football season, no need for a seperate forum
Originally posted by U-T@Mar 27, 2005 1:33 PM
I have seen several smack forums and all it seems to do is bring idiots to the board and that swells into other forums.
I want to talk with people...not act like 10-year-olds