If Butch gets it....... ?

Reading all of the threads and seeing alot of guys counting their chickens before they hatch, what if we do go 7-5 and even win a bowl. Who will we get next if Butch gets hired away?

As Phil Robertson on Duck Dynasty says. Is he serious. I mean come on you start something like this now. If that's the case Dooley was insurance because nobody was going to hire him away from us. Stupid thread Butch is not going anywhere.
Reading all of the threads and seeing alot of guys counting their chickens before they hatch, what if we do go 7-5 and even win a bowl. Who will we get next if Butch gets hired away?

Gruden has already been hired. He's starting December 13th.
Reading all of the threads and seeing alot of guys counting their chickens before they hatch, what if we do go 7-5 and even win a bowl. Who will we get next if Butch gets hired away?

You know, you're not REQUIRED to start a thread to be on VolNation. Was this one necessary?
Reading all of the threads and seeing alot of guys counting their chickens before they hatch, what if we do go 7-5 and even win a bowl. Who will we get next if Butch gets hired away?

What's with the gloom and doom cult. This kinda crap has surfaced every year since Fulmer was terminated. Can't yall just enjoy the season, support the team, and let nature control the uncontrolable.VFL GBO!!!!!!!
I thought the threads would improve once the season started...I see I was wrong.
Knoxvols1's expostulations are so rife with ignorance, erroneous information, and poorly conceived notions of paternalism that I hardly know where to begin. Even disregarding obvious errors like his insistence that we can stop neopaganism merely by permitting government officials entrée into private homes to search for immoral personæ non gratæ, the fallacies of his claims are glaring to those of us who have educated ourselves about the implications of savagism. Note that some of the facts I plan to use in this letter were provided to me by a highly educated person who managed to escape Knoxvols1's mumpish indoctrination and is consequently believable. Knoxvols1 has somehow managed to get the media to pay rapt attention to his tactless conjectures. I don't know what sort of Jedi mind control he's been using to pull that off, but I do know that Knoxvols1's lies come in many forms. Some of his lies are in the form of theories. Others are in the form of remonstrations. Still more are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion.

A person with a functioning brain does not make us too confused, demoralized, and disunited to put up an effective opposition to Knoxvols1's artifices. Why does that matter? It matters because Knoxvols1 can't be trusted. Everything he says is a lie, and everything he does is based on a lie: his canards, his casus belli, his memoranda—all lies, lies with flakes of truth sprinkled about to make juvenile chawbacons believe them. Before I continue, let me state that he has never gotten ahead because of his hard work or innovative ideas. Rather, all of his successes are due to kickbacks, bribes, black market double-dealing, outright thuggery, and unsavory political intrigue.

In any decent society, Knoxvols1 would be just another brain-damaged skybald standing on a streetcorner braying his nonsensical diatribes from atop a soapbox. Nevertheless, he has managed to gain some credibility among daft criminal masterminds because they relate to her message that we should be grateful for the precious freedom to be robbed and kicked in the face by such a noble creature as him. He is unable to remove his mental shackles. This implies that we mustn't let him scrawl pro-serfism graffiti over everything. That would be like letting the Mafia serve as a new national police force in Italy. In asserting that the purpose of life is self-gratification, Knoxvols1 demonstrates an astounding narrowness of vision. Because of his obsession with ruffianism, Knoxvols1's suggestions are unrealistic. It's that simple. As this letter draws to a close, I want to challenge you, the reader, to expose some of Knoxvols1's more dubious financial dealings. That's what I intend to do until my last breath. :banghead2::banghead2::shaking2:

The poor man(or woman) has been brainwashed by Faux News Channel ! :crazy:
I thought that at first then I remembered ole Kiffen. And now the program is much worse than then!
I read through the thread and I don't think anyone really answered your question.

Kiffen was unique in that everyone knew that Southern Cal was his dream job. Not a job at Tennessee or in the SEC, I really don't think if he had been coaching at Bama instead of UT it would have kept him from catching the first flight to LA.

I knew the moment it was announced that Pete Carroll was going to the Seattle that Tennessee would be looking for a new coach.

Now not saying it wouldn't happen but Coach Jones is different he has been coaching for a shot to get into a big time school or conference. I think he said he told his wife when Cincinnati played here a couple of years ago that Tennessee is a place he would love to go to if he ever had the opportunity.

Never say never when it comes to the coaching carousel but I don't see Coach Jones going anywhere unless he is let go for some reason.
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Most people forget kiffin was not even one of their top 3 choices. That got turned down as much as we did after kiffin left.

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Most manic depressive negative fanbase in ALL of America by far...............................................

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Volnation with its' unsurpassed, unrelenting kamikaze legions of the miserable. :)
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I read through the thread and I don't think anyone really answered your question.

Kiffen was unique in that everyone knew that Southern Cal was his dream job. Not a job at Tennessee or in the SEC, I really don't think if he had been coaching at Bama instead of UT it would have kept him from catching the first flight to LA.

I knew the moment it was announced that Pete Carroll was going to the Seattle that Tennessee would be looking for a new coach.

Now not saying it wouldn't happen but Coach Jones is different he has been coaching for a shot to get into a big time school or conference. I think he said he told his wife when Cincinnati played here a couple of years ago that Tennessee is a place he would love to go to if he ever had the opportunity.

Never say never when it comes to the coaching carousel but I don't see Coach Jones going anywhere unless he is let go for some reason.

I remember commenting on here that he talked "when we were at USC" waaaaay to much for my preference. But, it seems a lot on here ate that up as if USC was an idol program that we should be so lucky to be in their graces. I just wonder if Butch doez have an outstanding year if the Admin. will do like ND did and become stupid and throw out some rediculous 10 year contract and money?
The reason butch gets it, is because there is nowhere else in the world he would rather be coaching...
Not that i believe he will leave or people (big dawgs) will come calling after one 7-5 season ..but if hell breaks loose and that happens we need to bring that ole football coach "STEVE SPURRIER" to TN ..
his recent interview gave impressions that old b****rd now might be interested in retiring by bringing TN to glory days if chance comes ..

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