If H.t.p. Means Business, Buzz Is Gone

I say we keep him. If he stays, we get Jamont Gordon. Given the fact that the 2 seniors we were counting on for success this year, decided not to show up, I would like to see how Peterson does with a young line-up with some talent. Tyler Smith and JG both seem to like Buzz a lot. With Gordon cancelling his visit to Miss State this week, it appears he will be a Vol, but his mom wants him to play for BP. Keep Peterson, get Gordon, see how it goes next year, then make a decision.

The core of a very good team would be Smith, Gordon and Lofton.
ALLVOL, If brains could breathe you would be a breath of fresh air. Everyone wants to stop the bleeding but they refuse to use thier brains. Emotional decisions are what got us in this mess to begin with.

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