you realize that story is not what happened right gsvol? I mean, I know how you guys are with your historical accuracy around here
Well my dad always said; "If you tell everything you know then everyone knows more than you."
And Cicero said; "To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to remain forever a child."
In the current political landscape with our new president being elected by the feel good generation and who is searching animal shelters for a new pet for the new feel good White house, it probably wouldn't be wise to tell them doodly.
Nice hybrid though, huh???
Reminds me of a yankee that moved down here and bought a farm by the river.
One day he was down at the feed store and ran into the guy who had the farm directly across the river from him and complimented him on how nice it looked. He went on to say that he loved to bird hunt and bet he had lots of birds over there.
The southerner allowed he did have a few covies and invited him over for a hunt the next Saturday. The yankee said he would bring along a couple of pointers but was told to not bother, he wouldn't need to bring them.
Next Saturday came along and the yankee showed up bright and early and the two of them started off toward the barn lot with guns and gear all at the ready.
The yankee asked about the dogs and the farmer said he would get Clyde as they passed the barn. After the farmer went into the barn to get Clyde he emerged with a mule.
The yankee asked where was the dog and was told they wouldn't need a dog as long as they had Clyde, Clyde would find all the birds they needed and sure enough as they walked though the garden spot Clyde slid to a halt and went on a point as beautiful as any English pointer you have ever seen, with one foot in the air and tail raised at a perfect angle.
They approached and flushed a huge covey of birds and downed four, both getting a double. The yankee said he would run get the birds but the farmer told him to just stand still, Clyde would do that.
And sure enough, when the farmer gave Clyde permission to break point, he trotted over and picked each bird up with his lips as gentle as you can imagine and not only retrieved them but gave each bird to whoever who had shot it.
The newcomer was totally flabbergasted and fell silent and they hunted until each had his limit while Clyde performed flawlessly all morning.
When they got back to the barn before the farmer could put Clyde away, the yankee offered to buy his mule and offered $500 which was turned down immediately.
He said he just had to have that mule and offered $5,000 which was rejected as well.
"Well then", said the yankee, "I'll give you $10,000 for that mule, there's no way you can turn that down!"
"Yes there is", said the farmer, "it wouldn't be fair to you 'cause you live on the other side of the river."
"What's that have to do with anything?"
"Well, iffen there's anything that Clyde loves better than bird hunting, it's fishing and you'd just never get him to the other side."