If Tyler Bray had a coach..



Am I in rotation?
Oct 5, 2010
That he respected an actually listened to I think the guy would have been soooo much better...I mean he was already a great qb just was a headcase at times but the guy could sling the ball..To bad he wasnt a freshman this year...Idk why but he was one of my favorite vols..maybe it was because I started watching tennessee football ainges last year an I had to watch crompton an matt simms "attempt" to play qb haha Hope Bray does awesome in the NFL I think he will be a starter ina couple years atleast..
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He will do very well in KC under Andy

b/c Andy Reid isn't gonna put up with his ***ty attitude when things don't go Bray's way. It's a job now--he's getting paid, time to play and act like it. I really hope he can show what he's capable of showing and represent well.
If the team wasn't already in shambles and actually had leadership, he would have been a lot better. After Fulmer left, we lost some leaders, then after Kiffin left, we lost the last leaders we had in Berry, Hardesty, Vlad, big dan. I guess you could argue, during Bray's Frosh year, we still had Gerald Jones and Denarious Moore who stepped up as leaders for Bray. But after that, we haven't had any real leaders step up, own the team, and keep all of the players in line. Say what you want, but an immature 19 year old is more likely to relate and listen to a 22 year old than a coach, because at that age, they still don't understand that the coach is there to help, not hinder.
That he respected an actually listened to I think the guy would have been soooo much better...I mean he was already a great qb just was a headcase at times but the guy could sling the ball..To bad he wasnt a freshman this year...Idk why but he was one of my favorite vols..maybe it was because I started watching tennessee football ainges last year an I had to watch crompton an matt simms "attempt" to play qb haha Hope Bray does awesome in the NFL I think he will be a starter ina couple years atleast..

Yeah right. If, if, if.....if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle .
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Some need everything to go right for them to be successful.
Some make everything go right because they are successful.
Nice excuse thread though. Bray needed another one. :thumbsup:
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If the team wasn't already in shambles and actually had leadership, he would have been a lot better. After Fulmer left, we lost some leaders, then after Kiffin left, we lost the last leaders we had in Berry, Hardesty, Vlad, big dan. I guess you could argue, during Bray's Frosh year, we still had Gerald Jones and Denarious Moore who stepped up as leaders for Bray. But after that, we haven't had any real leaders step up, own the team, and keep all of the players in line. Say what you want, but an immature 19 year old is more likely to relate and listen to a 22 year old than a coach, because at that age, they still don't understand that the coach is there to help, not hinder.

How could a player who "thought" he should go to the NFL not "think" he should step up and be leader for his school?
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Stop hating the guy has serious arm talent you all know it....He just wasnt mature enough at times...Kinda reminds me of a Jay cutler type of player
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Tyler has great talent, we saw that many times. However, I don't think he was properly motivated and I don't think his coaches knew how to handle him. I think he thought a lot about winning but didn't want to betray his Southern California "laid back" image. Maybe he overthought things since he couldn't win in the clutch or maybe he just didn't have what the work ethic and dedication it takes to win in the SEC? Now he has no choice to perform or he will be out of football. As part of the Vol family, I really do wish him the very best.
Right.he doesnt need to be responsible for anything in his career at Tennessee,,BTW,Jim Chaney is a well respected coach nationwide and has a long string of successes with QBs..just in case you havent Googled him already.
Right.he doesnt need to be responsible for anything in his career at Tennessee,,BTW,Jim Chaney is a well respected coach nationwide and has a long string of successes with QBs..just in case you havent Googled him already.

...That guy was so predictable with his playcalling stfu with that
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If the team wasn't already in shambles and actually had leadership, he would have been a lot better. After Fulmer left, we lost some leaders, then after Kiffin left, we lost the last leaders we had in Berry, Hardesty, Vlad, big dan. I guess you could argue, during Bray's Frosh year, we still had Gerald Jones and Denarious Moore who stepped up as leaders for Bray. But after that, we haven't had any real leaders step up, own the team, and keep all of the players in line. Say what you want, but an immature 19 year old is more likely to relate and listen to a 22 year old than a coach, because at that age, they still don't understand that the coach is there to help, not hinder.

That's exactly what ZA said in a recent video that no leaders have emerged in the WR corp. I hope we get some true leadership as it will help translate everything Butch and Co. are preaching off the field, as in sideline and during practice.
Right.he doesnt need to be responsible for anything in his career at Tennessee,,BTW,Jim Chaney is a well respected coach nationwide and has a long string of successes with QBs..just in case you havent Googled him already.

CJC will do well now they will be a mainly run first offense and that he doesn't have to do much. However, he might slip in a shotgun deep route on 3rd and inches to remember the good ole days at UT.
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How could a player who "thought" he should go to the NFL not "think" he should step up and be leader for his school?

He shouldn't need to step up his Sophomore year, now last year he should have, however, he didn't have the leadership his Freshman and Sophomore years to teach him how to be a team, and a leader.
The Bray hate gets ridiculous around here. He wasn't perfect but come on, he had a head coach who had no business being HC at UT, and a defense that couldn't stop a junior high team.
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The Bray hate gets ridiculous around here. He wasn't perfect but come on, he had a head coach who had no business being HC at UT, and a defense that couldn't stop a junior high team.

exactly how many points did the offense score per game last year? atleast 30 something I know...if our defense was average we woulda won 8 games last year..Wait around the 3rd game all these people hating on Bray will be crying for him to come back

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