If Tyler Bray had a coach..

That he respected an actually listened to I think the guy would have been soooo much better...I mean he was already a great qb just was a headcase at times but the guy could sling the ball..To bad he wasnt a freshman this year...Idk why but he was one of my favorite vols..maybe it was because I started watching tennessee football ainges last year an I had to watch crompton an matt simms "attempt" to play qb haha Hope Bray does awesome in the NFL I think he will be a starter ina couple years atleast..

If he would have had Cutcliffe, he may have been fine. However; Bray is not really mature enough to listen and take things seriously, from the film studying portion of being a q.b.

If he were more mature, then he would give 100% even when the team were behind in a game and the game seemed un winnable. There were times that we fell behind and he lost interest. This is why I say that he may not have been mature enough to fully accept the coaching from a top q.b. coach.
With respect to all, I really don't understand this reoccurring need to "what if" Tyler Bray. He did have a coach he enjoyed working under, JC; and, his numbers were impressive, even if he didn't fulfill the off-the-field expection of our fanbase (which I'm not excusing).

Fact is, last year's offense was one of the best ever and you just can't win games without a defense. With all things considered, last year's offense, Bray included, generally performed quite well.

I'm excited to see how the new scheme under a new coach with re-energized program works. And, I'm wishing strong for a sucessful year - as well as much success to all our Vols in the NFL (and CFL).
Right.he doesnt need to be responsible for anything in his career at Tennessee,,BTW,Jim Chaney is a well respected coach nationwide and has a long string of successes with QBs..just in case you havent Googled him already.

Just curious, because I obviously dont know, but who are the QB's he's had during this long string.
I wasn't aware he alone lost those 2 games.
Pretty close. He was a combined 26-67 38.8% for 318 yards and 4 interceptions.

It would be interesting to go back through stats and see if any U.T. quarterback has ever had 2 games worse than this in the last 50 years. Probably anyone with worse stats would never have gotten to play 2 games.
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Tyler Bray great, sorry nothing great about his record at TN. Yeah, yeah defense sucked, blah blah, Tyler had a fumbling problem in the clutch. He didn't really care either.

If he was so talented, he would have been drafted.
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Tyler Bray great, sorry nothing great about his record at TN. Yeah, yeah defense sucked, blah blah, Tyler had a fumbling problem in the clutch. He didn't really care either.

If he was so talented, he would have been drafted.

Arian Foster says Hi as he cashes $20 Million checks
Right.he doesnt need to be responsible for anything in his career at Tennessee,,BTW,Jim Chaney is a well respected coach nationwide and has a long string of successes with QBs..just in case you havent Googled him already.
Jim Chaney was the one guy on our coaching staff who had a clue of how to run a team, really wish he could've stayed in some capacity
Bray was a pansy.. End of story.. Who cares about coach. Play for team and the University.. Have some pride. Those things were lost on Bray. That's why he failed..
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Bray's lack of mobility will kill his NFL chances, I'm afraid, as will his tendency to get panicky when rushed. Bad combo. I think he impressed in OTAs when everyone was in shorts and he could just wing the ball. Live action will be much harder for him--as it is for a lot of QBs trying to make it in the big league. He's a Vol and I hope he succeeds, but he's quite similar in a lot of ways to Ainge.
Pretty close. He was a combined 26-67 38.8% for 318 yards and 4 interceptions.

It would be interesting to go back through stats and see if any U.T. quarterback has ever had 2 games worse than this in the last 50 years. Probably anyone with worse stats would never have gotten to play 2 games.

Yep, he pretty much mailed both those games in, was just awful and seemed disinterested. Only slack I'll cut him is the Ky game was his first game back after the broken thumb iirc. A little slack, not much.
Yep, he pretty much mailed both those games in, was just awful and seemed disinterested. Only slack I'll cut him is the Ky game was his first game back after the broken thumb iirc. A little slack, not much.
It was actually his second game back, and a few weeks after the injury. He played decently against Vandy the week before, but it probably still bothered him the next week.

The Kentucky game was 7 weeks after the broken thumb. It happened against Georgia on Oct.8 and the Kentucky game was Nov.26.
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With proper coaching, Bray would have been a better player. But Bray was to full of himself. Only he could make the needed attitude adjustments. Did you see how cocky he acted when Gruden was analyzing him? To me, he has the physical tools. But I've always referred to him as a mental midget.
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Just imagine a defense that could hold a opponent under 30. Bray would be getting.mad love here.

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