As I stated yesterday, we are now sitting at 14 wins. We have a quality win against Witchita State & Ky. 18 wins will make us a bubble team and we are not very popular, so at 18 wins, we won't get in but there is that glimmer of hope. If we have 18 wins and so does Providence, Georgetown, etc. then they will get in before us, because of their past popularity.
If we get 20 wins, then we will be in. Florida, A & M, Auburn, Missouri, LSU, UGA, are all on our schedule. Then we hit the S.E.C. tournament, where we could pick up even another win.
So, it is important that we lose only 1 more game, at the
most. I doudt we go very far in the tournament, but it will give us some more exposure and will give Coach Martin and staff a bonus for making the tourney.