If Worley keeps playing heres why

I see a defensive line in disarray a young secondary and I feel with time both problems can be fixed. We need a more accurate quarterback with athletic abilities, Could one of our Freshman be that QB?
Yes, Worley is more innaccurate than Crompton and Simms combined. However he makes GOOD decisions. He went up against a very good secondary from the #2 team and all 3 games only forces a few throws. Hasn't thrown a pick yet has he?

Am I saying he deserves to keep playing? NO. However, if Peterman isn't much better and has a problem making decisions, CBJ may be worried of the wheels falling off even sooner than you'd expect.

I'm slightly in the Peterman camp now, but it's not so much because he's better than Worley, so much as I question whether a "game manager" is the right person to have in our situation. When you look at successful "game manager" type QBs, they've normally had a great O-line and running game (check), as well as a spectacular defense (not check).

It's clear that one reason Oregon's D had such an easy time stopping us is because they were 100% focused on stopping the run. They were able to do that only because Worley can't throw deeper than about 15 yards before becoming extremely inaccurate. This leads me to believe that even if Worley is slightly better than Peterman on paper, Peterman might be a better fit for the offense. Of course, I could be wrong.

I'm sure Butch has his reasons and will make the right decision. Worley looked better than Peterman in the first two games, after all. Of course, Peterman was getting garbage time with second stringers in those games, and wasn't throwing it much anyway.

My real question is whether Worley gives us a chance to win against the top tier of competition: Georgia, South Carolina, Bama, and Florida. He might not make mistakes, but unless the running game can take on 80% of the load for the offense, it doesn't seem like we have a shot at the better teams. Then again, maybe he's still our best option.
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Yes, Worley is more innaccurate than Crompton and Simms combined. However he makes GOOD decisions. He went up against a very good secondary from the #2 team and all 3 games only forces a few throws. Hasn't thrown a pick yet has he?

Am I saying he deserves to keep playing? NO. However, if Peterman isn't much better and has a problem making decisions, CBJ may be worried of the wheels falling off even sooner than you'd expect.

I don't know. I haven't seen much of Peterman so of course I may not really know what I'm talking about, but the way I see it we don't have a winner on the roster so we need a game manager and Worley may be all we have :/

These coaches have a lot of experience. If they think Worley is the best pick of the litter at QB, then we have a serious problem. Again, CBJ has a few years to turn the program around and I wish him luck.
NO....... Either you have it or you don't. Qtb position is the most important post ion on a team. If you cannot their.. be Accurate. Make decisions then you need to ride the pine. Last yf we had good offense . Our defense sucked. None of the coaches had enough konads to make an adjustment or 2.. that's where we are now. Better make a change or 2 noe. Today.. this minute.. without hesitation....
Worley makes all of his reads and the receivers just weren't getting open yesterday. His arm is questionable, but I understand the faults that lie with putting Peterman back there for Butch. We just suck, people need to realize it.
Just guessing, but maybe Worley is a real good practice player and even excels in controlled scrimmages...that's why he's starting. But when it's game time he freezes in the spotlight.
Worely starts at FL. Its back to old school possession football. Cannot afford errors.
This. Only South Alabama and Kentucky appear to be a sure win. Is there 2 more wins out there?
You do realize that South Alabama beat Western Kentucky last night, don't you? Minus the turnovers, our game with them would have been a battle.
This. Only South Alabama and Kentucky appear to be a sure win. Is there 2 more wins out there?

After South Alabama beating WKU yesterday I hate to say it but that game will be tough. That's how far we've fallen unfortunately. Honestly it sucks to say but without five of six plays being turnovers (which is basically unheard of) they were on pace of making a heck of a game out of it.
Atleast Peterman would give us an extra dimension being somewhat mobile. His passing skills can't be that much worse than Worley's. Give the guy a shot.
Yes, Worley is more innaccurate than Crompton and Simms combined. However he makes GOOD decisions. He went up against a very good secondary from the #2 team and all 3 games only forces a few throws. Hasn't thrown a pick yet has he?

Am I saying he deserves to keep playing? NO. However, if Peterman isn't much better and has a problem making decisions, CBJ may be worried of the wheels falling off even sooner than you'd expect.

I don't know. I haven't seen much of Peterman so of course I may not really know what I'm talking about, but the way I see it we don't have a winner on the roster so we need a game manager and Worley may be all we have :/

It is a miracle that he has only thrown one INT to date. With him throwing way behind the receivers it is only a matter of time before that number goes way up. We still have the SEC gauntlet to go through, and there are a lot of talented DB's that are probably licking their chops watching film of how inaccurate Worley is.
His footwork is the worst I've seen in awhile
That should be something that is fixable. We've have quarterbacks in the past with "happy feet". I'm sure that he can iron out those problems in practice if it is addressed, but it needs to be worked on immediately. the longer you practice bad habits, the harder they are to shed. Decision making and game management take more time to develop. He just needs a big does of confidence and work on timing with his receivers. Also he needs to put more mustard on those hoagies he's throwing them. I keep thinking of the difference in Crompton the year Kiffen got a hold of him- night and day difference. I just wouldn't give up on him yet-- and no.. I'm not his mother.
Maybe the receivers should practice scooping up balls thrown at their feet, since that's where they usually go. Worley's a junior, his arm strength is weak and his passing is inconsistent. Limits our options, since we can't really throw it down field and other teams know it.
I felt like Worley actually was a little better yesterday when you take the huge upgrade in competition into account. He had to throw to spots, hit people who were covered and find lanes over very long and fast defenders. He just needs to learn and improve and get us the wins we can get.

A bigger problem may be that our receivers let themselves get manhandled and were out of position all day. They dropped balls, didn't get to their spots, and did not play physical football. But heck, how many of them are true freshman? Huge learning curve right now. It will just take time.

I really think getting woodshedded like that is going to cause these young kids to accelerate the process of maturing. Having this game tape as a teaching tool and a motivational tool is invaluable. It hurts right now, but this will help us immensely in the long term.
You can tell a kid they aren't good enough, but they won't believe you. No we can show them.
He has two left feet

Yep. And when he over thinks a throw he misses badly. I noticed when he just threw it he did a little bit better. He's almost a little TOO concerned about making the right decision.

If he's our guy at this point and he needs to throw a bunch of INTs to get it out of his system then he needs to do it -- Bray threw 'em too. He needs to let things come more naturally. It's like watching a guy play poker and ante himself to death. We are where we are so you might as well turn Worley and the froshies loose and let them pitch and catch until they learn -- it's the worst trial by fire we've had yet but I don't see how there's any way to avoid it.
Yes, Worley is more innaccurate than Crompton and Simms combined. However he makes GOOD decisions. He went up against a very good secondary from the #2 team and all 3 games only forces a few throws. Hasn't thrown a pick yet has he?

Am I saying he deserves to keep playing? NO. However, if Peterman isn't much better and has a problem making decisions, CBJ may be worried of the wheels falling off even sooner than you'd expect.

I don't know. I haven't seen much of Peterman so of course I may not really know what I'm talking about, but the way I see it we don't have a winner on the roster so we need a game manager and Worley may be all we have :/

Unfortunately, I believe you are correct. If he really believed one of the Freshmen was ready, I think he might throw them out there, but to the team, it might be seen as a sign of panic. It is obviously much better to miss than to throw a pick six.

My guess is that we will likely see a change in the South Alabama game, if Worley doesn't make us competitive in the Florida game.

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