Okay, this is my 500th post, so I wanted to make it a good one. So, here goes ...
We all know that our schedule this year is absolutely brutal, so I'm not going to restate the obvious. My son and I both have the fever as the season is approaching, so we were just talking football, you know how it is. So we got curious as to where we fell on other people's schedule. If you believe in trap games, you'll find this interesting, as we (a potentially dangerous team for most anybody) fall in some interesting places for a few teams.
9/20 @ Alabama
10/4 @ UT
10/11 LSU
South Carolina
10/25 @ Auburn
11/1 UT
11/15 @ Florida
10/11 @ A&M
10/18 UT
10/25 @ LSU
10/18 A&M
10/25 @ UT
11/8 @ LSU
I said all that to say this: teams may have gotten used to looking at their schedule and chalking us up as an automatic "W." It seems possible to me, that, these teams have (what could be viewed as) big games before and after they play us. Wonder if we catch anybody looking behind or ahead? After all, it happens.
What think ye?
(Sorry for the long post and if this has already been discussed.)