Non-UT related
1. Dale Earnhardt climbs out of his car after the '01 Daytona 500 unhurt.
2. Kevin Dyson crosses the endzone for the winning TD in the greatest final play in Super Bowl history.
3. Steve Bartman stays in his @#$%^! seat.
4. Adam Petty lives, but builds the Victory Junction Camp anyway.
5. Dodgers stay in Brooklyn, which has a HUGE domino effect...The Giants go to Minneapolis instead of San Francisco (they moved to SF in a deal to give the Dodgers a closer opponent than St. Louis). The Washington Senators stay in DC since Minneapolis has a team, so there are no Twins to beat the Braves in '91. There are also no Mets expansion franchise needed and Shea Stadium is never built.
UT related
1. Inky Johnson and Chuck Webb never get hurt.
2. Different outcome vs. LSU in the '01 SECCG.
3. Manning wins Heisman and National Championship.
4. Summitt beats UVA in 1990 Elite 8, and gets to the Final Knoxville.
5. Johnny Majors retires peacefully, takes a job in the athletic department, and none of the drama/animosity of the last 15 years happens.