If you learned your favorite player had opposing politics/religious viewpoints:

If your sports hero revealed he had opposite political/religious viewpoints, you'd…

  • Not watch them anymore

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Still watch but not respect them

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Still watch but wish he’d leave your team

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It wouldn’t matter to me

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
You would:
A: Not watch them anymore
B: Still watch but not respect them
C: Still watch but wish he’d leave your team
D: Wouldn’t matter to me
E: Other
This came up when a friend of mine said he used to think Tom Cruise was a good actor but he won’t go see the Top Gun remake or any Cruise movies after finding out he’s a leader in Scientology.
Who TF watches sports for politics? My only request of any sport is entertain me. That's why I don't watch golf, tennis, or soccer.
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If I didn't like people bc they have different politics I wouldn't like anybody. There aren't enough people with my views for me to even try to live in a silo, which is super lame to do anyway
I've never understood why people think it's beneficial to hang around people that view everything exactly the same as they do. Some of my best friends have divergent views from me and we can have a thoughtful discussion about politics or hang out without mentioning politics at all.
I've never understood why people think it's beneficial to hang around people that view everything exactly the same as they do. Some of my best friends have divergent views from me and we can have a thoughtful discussion about politics or hang out without mentioning politics at all.
Because lazy is easy. Even if it's intellectually
If I didn't like people bc they have different politics I wouldn't like anybody. There aren't enough people with my views for me to even try to live in a silo, which is super lame to do anyway

There are plenty of liberals for you to be friends with.
Sadly nearly all of hollywood, the majority of musicians, and most professional athletes have left leaning or even socialist ideals. There are a few whose head isnt completely up their azzes that actually think like responsible adults and have conservative views....but they are greatly outnumbered sadly.

I do not look to any athlete or celebrity for my moral compass or political views (those 2 SHOULD overlap and work together...should. ) so I am not disappointed when these folks are wrong.

Btw...little public service anmouncement:

If you claim to be a Christian or a Jew...and try to live by the Bible or Torah etc...you should not vote for a politician/party whose platform embraces the exact opposite of what God said is right. Abortion, gay "marriage" etc are not Gods will. The Bible speaks plainly about these things. I have never understood how so many folks claiming to love God can vote for candidates which actively work against Him and His will. I am just a sinner...but I am honest about my sins. Don't leave God at home when you go to vote.
Sadly nearly all of hollywood, the majority of musicians, and most professional athletes have left leaning or even socialist ideals. There are a few whose head isnt completely up their azzes that actually think like responsible adults and have conservative views....but they are greatly outnumbered sadly.

I do not look to any athlete or celebrity for my moral compass or political views (those 2 SHOULD overlap and work together...should. ) so I am not disappointed when these folks are wrong.

Btw...little public service anmouncement:

If you claim to be a Christian or a Jew...and try to live by the Bible or Torah etc...you should not vote for a politician/party whose platform embraces the exact opposite of what God said is right. Abortion, gay "marriage" etc are not Gods will. The Bible speaks plainly about these things. I have never understood how so many folks claiming to love God can vote for candidates which actively work against Him and His will. I am just a sinner...but I am honest about my sins. Don't leave God at home when you go to vote.

Spoken like a huge supporter of sharia law
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I know quite a few people who liked Colin Kapernick before all of the kneeling but not after he did it. So, politics did matter for them and a sports figure.
Sadly nearly all of hollywood, the majority of musicians, and most professional athletes have left leaning or even socialist ideals. There are a few whose head isnt completely up their azzes that actually think like responsible adults and have conservative views....but they are greatly outnumbered sadly.

I do not look to any athlete or celebrity for my moral compass or political views (those 2 SHOULD overlap and work together...should. ) so I am not disappointed when these folks are wrong.

Btw...little public service anmouncement:

If you claim to be a Christian or a Jew...and try to live by the Bible or Torah etc...you should not vote for a politician/party whose platform embraces the exact opposite of what God said is right. Abortion, gay "marriage" etc are not Gods will. The Bible speaks plainly about these things. I have never understood how so many folks claiming to love God can vote for candidates which actively work against Him and His will. I am just a sinner...but I am honest about my sins. Don't leave God at home when you go to vote.
Interesting opinion.
Jimmy Carter still teaches Sunday School in Georgia. He’s a pretty devout Christian and a democrat. I know quite a few Republicans that support abortion rights and same sex marriage.
Not trying to argue against your opinion.
My brother shares your views and refuses to be friends with any democrat.

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