If you need a chuckle... Read this

Its funny that we all thought Clay was sucking Franklin off. Fact is he just hated Dooley. He didn't hate UT. So yeah he is going to make some predictions we are all going to hate. Its part of his biz. I kinda take what he has to say with a grain of salt.
THat was a really funny satire piece. Thanks for posting. I saw it on twitter a day or two ago, but I normally refuse to give that site any traffic.

OP convinced me.
I read it. It was okay. Travis' "The 12 Most Likely Reasons Lane Kiffin will be fired" is funnier, though.
Its funny that we all thought Clay was sucking Franklin off. Fact is he just hated Dooley. He didn't hate UT. So yeah he is going to make some predictions we are all going to hate. Its part of his biz. I kinda take what he has to say with a grain of salt.

Clay bashed Dooley whilst fellating Franklin. He's a very good multitasker.
Clay Travis.. you have finally written a piece worthy of meeting the eye. Awesome read. Brick by brick!!

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