you would be the expert but no it's not. I have an issue with the gov't putting propaganda screens in the country's biggest retailer. The same retailer whose case was just ok'd to come before the USSC. The same retailer whose CEO just met with the Pres.
You're either
A) in a newely developed area that has not gotten a Costco's yet
B) in an area too far out that is more country than suburbs
C) in an area too far in that is more inner city than suburbs
D) Canada
Costco's has great deals on booze I must say.
I was shoppin at the Walmarts the other day, when a little fellow decided to start takin toys of the shelves and throw em in the floor.
His mama yanked him up and proceed to tan his backside.
I was gonna say something but thought the better.
My mom still threatens to whoop me, but she advocates against it to others. My parents stopped spanking me or whipping me with the belt when the buckle came free from my dad's hand and hit me. My mom used to get me with a wooden spoon, but she got tired of buying new ones after I got big enough to break them. I was a fairly good child anyways.
Nor am I. Don't we want to live in a safer place?
Obama's Department of Homeland Security is quietly expanding Walmart type informant programs into the trucking industry. This morning a trucker on the "Allman In The Morning Show" disclosed that he had received a card in the mail to report "Suspicious activity" on America's Highways to DHS. It appears that DHS has quietly been approaching some trucking companies about Walmart type partnerships for the last several months. The trucker said that a few months ago his employer called in a group of drivers. They gave them DHS forms (requesting lots of personal information) to fill out to join the program. All the drivers declined this offer. The driver has recently received a card from DHS anyway as a DHS informant. Does anyway else have any information on this?
Below is the East German "Stasi" Statue Glorifying Informants for State Security
I'm gonna go back to avoiding Wally World like the plague just as I have before.