The last time I ate at IHOp was the last time I'll eat at IHOP. Merchants road Knoxville, horrible food, cold food, hair in the eggs, cold coffee,horrible service and apparently the heat system was broken. We got up when the food was served and walked. It was BAD !
I actually ordered a burger from there eons ago. Not bad, just an average flat top burger but it's not competing with Stock and Barrel or a great steakhouse burger at Connors.
This has obviously been a brilliant marketing campaign. IHOP has owned the internet all week over this. Random strangers are talking to each other about how IHOP is allegedly changing it's name. Any other time of the year nobody was even talking about IHOP.
seems like every IHOP near me has a Steak and Shake within a block -- should be interesting ... Steak and Shake service can be pretty slow alot of times
seems like every IHOP near me has a Steak and Shake within a block -- should be interesting ... Steak and Shake service can be pretty slow alot of times