I'm a Sailor

First off God bless you and thank you for your service.

As others have noted coach Jones is a recruiting rock star right now. Our 14 class is going to be one of the best in the nation. Spring practice is in full swing and our boys are learning a new system. Coach Jones has brought many alumni back in the fold and has gotten Peyton's full endorsement. Excitement has returned to the hill.

ps...guess you're about ready to start "A" school. Whats gonna be your rate? I was a ET...many, many moons ago.
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I've been at m****rf*****g boot camp since f*****g Feb 19th, completely shut off from the god d*mn world. I'd really f*****g appreciate it if everyone of you f*****s could catch me the f*** up on recruiting and Tennessee football related s**t in general.

Fyp. More appropriate for a sailor.
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Marine story;

Transported a few Marines by C-130, before the flight I handed out "barf bags". These bags are merely a small trash bag inside an envelope. Take out bag, throw up. Very simple common sense stuff. Marine starts getting sick, he takes out the trash bag then throws up in the damn envelope. Funny and messy.
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