What I would suggest is a representative of the Funeral Home or the proprieter of the cemetary property to forward a letter to the local law enforcement advising the following
The funeral of __________ is being held at_______________on _______ at_______. The graveside service will be held afterwards at_____________ cemetary. This location is privately owned and is not open to the public. Any persons, other than the friends and family, or other persons designated to be there by the family or designated representative of the family, are hereby prohibited from attending the funeral. Any member of the Westboro Baptist Church is not welcome on the property and if found on the property can be removed by permission of______________, proprietor of ___________ cemetary. _____________ cemetary will also prosecute any member of Westboro Baptist Church for trespassing,if they are found to be on the immediate property of________________ cemetary.
I dont know if the cemetary is private or not, but this will help the local law enforcement if it is indeed private and they have some documentation. They cannot stand in the street and obstruct traffic. If there is other private property around, I would ask those people to submit letters stating that Westboro is not welcome on their property as well. It may not work, but wouldnt hurt to try.