I'm excited but realistic.

Yes, Butch Jones is doing a great job..but in the PR dept. and Recruitment.

AND, I'm realistic about our future.

I think we go 6-6. Anything higher, than CBJ is going to be amazing. Anything lower we will have problems.

Games I will be taking notes early on:

Western Kentucky - this will determine how we do on our X/O's

Oregon - this will determine our depth and how we play on a national stage

If we LOSE both of those games, I'll be worried. Oregon will not be that good this year IMO.

I predict that we beat Austin Peay, Western Kentucky and South Alabama. That gives us (3) wins.

Then we win 3 of the last 4 games on our schedule against MIssouri, Auburn, Vandy & Kentucky.

If we win 3 of the last 4, then we have 6 wins and a bowl game..... That is a babystep but it will show that we are moving in the correct direction.
We will curb stomp Western Kentucky. Even with motorcycle man as their new head coach. Anybody thinking that Petrino will make that much of a difference needs to consider this. The are still Western Kentucky. We are still Tennessee.

Ya know, before I read your post I had never considered that they are still Western Kentucky and we ae still Tennessee, but now I see things so clearly.....excellent post.
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WKU will be a win for us. There's simply no way they'll hang with us for 4 quarters. Our O-Line and D-Line are deep enough and talented enough in 2013 to wear down a team like WKU.

Oregon will be a loss. Not sure I understand why folks don't think they'll be good. They have Heisman candidates at RB and QB. They have gone to 4 straight BCS bowls. Their coaching staff is largely the same and they haven't had much attrition. They'll be very good. I think we can make that game fun, but I think there's only a minimal chance we'll beat them.
No. WKU lost to Central Michigan last year in the Little Ceasar's Pizza Bowl.

Too bad we didnt get toose to Central Michigan in a bowl game. Or even play in a bowl game.

Petrino will do 2 years there and eventually work his way back into a better job. I dobt think he will ever back onto the main stage. But I could see a Kansas, ir a Cincinati type school take him on.
Fulmer & Dooley were out coached by teams who had less talented rosters than us. So, it is possible.

I doudt it though. We have the homefield advantage and Bobby P. won't have enough time between now and that game to get all of the kinks out of the Western Ky. team.

Mother of God...you referenced two coaches who are literally polar opposites.

Fulmer, for all his faults towards the end, was one of the winningest coaches for the better part of a decade and even though his resume reflects losses to Memphis & Wyoming, Dooley couldn't even touch the "hem of Fulmer's garment" when it comes to coaching prowess.

Dooley is nothing more than an administrator or recruiting coordinator with a good last name...and I'm not hating on the guy, it's the truth. Perhaps he'll improve with time, but the only reason he belongs in the same breath as Fulmer is because they both happened to be a head coach at UT.

Bill Battle and Bowden Wyatt with the single-wing (not hating on Wyatt AT ALL, just referencing how outdated the single wing is) could coach circles around Derek Dooley.
I live in Bowling Green, KY (WKU) and this team is better then people think and if we over look these kids they could come in and beat us. Andrews is a beast, their QB is a gun slinger and they have one of the top LBs and DBS in the country. Their weakness (D-line) plays well to our strength (O-line) but besides that I don't see us having much of an advantage anywhere else on the field. They open the season with sUcK in Nashville and if they can win that game (again) they will come in with a lot of confidence. They went to AL last year and played a good game, gained a lot of confidence in themselves and truly believe they can compete with SEC teams. I think we win this game in the 4th bc our line wears them down but we can't over look them.
Oregon returns the arguably the deepest team in the nation next year. They will be that good next season.
OK.....Now I'm ready for us to go play the games and see who's right.....come on fans, what kind of season in 13, make a guess......

We need to win enough to get to a bowl game this year. That would be obvious improvement over the Dooley years. It would give us momentum going into next year. Help to solidify what is looking to be a great recruiting class.
We will curb stomp Western Kentucky. Even with motorcycle man as their new head coach. Anybody thinking that Petrino will make that much of a difference needs to consider this. The are still Western Kentucky. We are still Tennessee.

If the players think like you do we wont have much hope to win that game. The coach they have is one of the best offensive minds in the game if he did not get in trouble he would have prob been in the top 10 in the AP. He is lethal then you give him the shrug and be like "Oh, it's just Western Ky no problem" that is just moronic. That is all I have to say.
I think Oregon will have problems with our O line, so if we can get the running game established fairly quickly in the game, we will be balanced. I am worried how fast our D will adjust to the scheme and coaching changes from last year to this year. We had a bunch of DB's who just chased the WR's and didn't track or even turn their heads for the ball. If we can clean some of that up and contain the edges, I think we lose very respectfully in a closer than most would think game. Randolph being back will help more than people think at S.

T.O.P. will be critical in this game. :yes:
You're not as realistic as you think you are. It's year one after a coaching change. Literally ANYTHING is possible; both good and bad. Remember Kiffin beating SC and UGA but losing to UCLA and Auburn? Remember Dooley nearly beating NC, LSU and Bama? Expect inconsistency and just hope for more good than bad.


I find myself having to reign in my enthusiasm a lot more lately, however. Mostly because some of the players I'm most excited to see suit up in Orange and White haven't even played the first game of their senior year in high school yet...

However, the job that CBJ has done so far, without even coaching a fall practice, leads my mind to wonder...did we finally get "the guy?"

I'm constantly having to remind myself that this is still the team that's comprised of players who contributed to the worst D in the history of the program and the first to have 3 losing seasons in a row. True, coaching had A METRIC TON to do with that; especially when you consider how improved the D was from year one to year two, under Wilcox.

And while the lion's share of blame goes to the FAILED (that word cannot be emphasized enough) transition to a 3-4, Dooley and Sunseri--the players share at least some responsibility, albeit just a little (especially when you consider the DC did very little to teach/instruct the players).

The true test for CBJ, Jancek, Martinez, etc, IMO, will be the mental reps for the guys on D. How do they respond to adversity? How well and how fast do they learn their assignments? Do they stick to fundamentals or freelance, like so many did last year? So on and so forth...

All that said...if we lose to WKU, I fear it'll be another losing season on the Hill. I don't care if Jack Harbaugh is HC and both his son's are OC & DC, there's no reason why UT should lose that game. I'm sure they'll be well coached, but we're far superior athletically and depth-wise. I won't be surprised by a close game, going into the 3rd qtr, but if we're not up by at least 14-17pts by the start of the 4th qtr, I'll be surprised.

Oregon will be a test of endurance and mentality, nothing more. It would truly take a Jim Valvano-esque coaching job to keep it close. We're just not there, depth-wise, athletically, or fundamentally to be able to compete with a top 5 team that can run with anybody. Expect a similar result from two years ago.

If the stars align and the players "buy-in," one of these games could conceivably be won:

10/5 - UGA
10/19 - USCe

...with the swing-games being:

11/2 - @ Mizzou
11/9 - AU
11/23 - VU

We have to win 2 of 3, minimum, of the swing-games if we want to go bowling, IMO. Looking at the schedule, it's very possible for at least that...but sprinkle in some magic from CBJ and who knows...either way, I haven't anticipated a season like this since '09.

I'm not looking for miracles just improvement from the cluster**** that was the last three years...that's not asking for much. (sorry for the novel, it's a slow day at work)
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Anybody expecting an 8 or 9 win season is high. I think we're 7-6 at best. We lost 3 WR's, TE, and it'll take a bit for our QB to adjust. I want to see fundamental football, hustle, and a competitive drive. Eventually the W's will come against better competition.
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We will curb stomp Western Kentucky. Even with motorcycle man as their new head coach. Anybody thinking that Petrino will make that much of a difference needs to consider this. The are still Western Kentucky. We are still Tennessee.

Just like we curb stomped Wyoming in 2008 and Kentucky in 2011? That kind of curb stomping?

If you will notice, some of our supposedly easier games have not been so easy lately. For instance, we had to go to O/T to beat UAB, at home. For instance, we had a hard time beating Troy and that was at home also.

Most teams in the NCAA have gotten better, recently. Also, U.T. does not have the defense or offense that we had 10 years ago, so anything is possible....

We will likely win, but not by a curb stomp.....
Yes, Butch Jones is doing a great job..but in the PR dept. and Recruitment.

AND, I'm realistic about our future.

I think we go 6-6. Anything higher, than CBJ is going to be amazing. Anything lower we will have problems.

Games I will be taking notes early on:

Western Kentucky - this will determine how we do on our X/O's

Oregon - this will determine our depth and how we play on a national stage

If we LOSE both of those games, I'll be worried. Oregon will not be that good this year IMO.
But they still are better than we are.:banghead2:
Anybody expecting an 8 or 9 win season is high. I think we're 7-6 at best. We lost 3 WR's, TE, and it'll take a bit for our QB to adjust. I want to see fundamental football, hustle, and a competitive drive. Eventually the W's will come against better competition.

The fan base that thinks 8 or 9 wins are going to be in for a let down, we got 2 years to let this process run its course, then year 3 expect 8 or 9 wins we got to hang in there with the team for a couple of years, and dont get down because we are coming back to the top not just the SEC but the NATION, and in the third season when teams see the Orange of Tennessee they will have fear in there hearts, and when you can put fear in someone by just looking the game is already won.
Ya know, before I read your post I had never considered that they are still Western Kentucky and we ae still Tennessee, but now I see things so clearly.....excellent post.

Yes we are TENNESSEE, we would never lose to the likes of WKU...or Memphis, or Wyoming..
Just like we curb stomped Wyoming in 2008 and Kentucky in 2011? That kind of curb stomping?

If you will notice, some of our supposedly easier games have not been so easy lately. For instance, we had to go to O/T to beat UAB, at home. For instance, we had a hard time beating Troy and that was at home also.

Most teams in the NCAA have gotten better, recently. Also, U.T. does not have the defense or offense that we had 10 years ago, so anything is possible....

We will likely win, but not by a curb stomp.....

Clearly, you do not place any value whatsoever on coaching and motivation. Dools lost any control of this team before the first game. Bray and Hunter (and probably Patterson) were looking ahead, our DBs were hurt or useless, and the entire team seemed to be going through the motions. You look at anything CBJ has done in the past 6 months, or at anytime since he has been a coach, and show me any reason to believe these guys will be allowed to have the same lackadaisical, lackluster attitude this year. Also, show me one person that you think will have the Prima Donna issues that JHunter, TBray, DRogers, and CPatt seem to have had (especially the middle two).
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Yes, Butch Jones is doing a great job..but in the PR dept. and Recruitment.

AND, I'm realistic about our future.

I think we go 6-6. Anything higher, than CBJ is going to be amazing. Anything lower we will have problems.

Games I will be taking notes early on:

Western Kentucky - this will determine how we do on our X/O's

Oregon - this will determine our depth and how we play on a national stage

If we LOSE both of those games, I'll be worried. Oregon will not be that good this year IMO.

WE ALL KNOW that Tn expectations are not great for this year, how many posts can we have on this! Between the Florida fans on a Tn message board and the whole sports talk stations, does this have to be beat into our heads any more!!!! :banghead2::banghead2::bash::bash:

EDIT: Nothing against you OP, just frustrated with this subject :hi:
Wait, you think it's possible we lose to WKU?

Early in the season our offense will struggle to score points (probably all season, especially in the SEC) so yes Western Kentucky will probably present a problem for the Vowels.

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