I'm happy for Georgia

Uh, have you ever been to Athens?

Georgia fans are awful. I call them DG (Dollar General) dawgs cause the only connection they have with the university is the shirt they bought at DG or Walmart.

They are predominately ignorant, band wagon fans, that will sit around and blabber about Herschel like it was last year and can't name a single player on their team besides Stafford and Knowshon. Even the few knowledgable fans will readily admit that the majority of their fan base does not know anything beyond saying, Go dawgs woof woof woof when they kick off.

These are the same guys that could remember David Greene and David Pollack but nobody else. Ask them who Frank Sinkwitch was and they'll scratch their heads.

They are incredibly arrogant when they are winning and then act like it's the end of the world and boo their team when they're not playing well. Last year they were ready to burn Richt at the stake after losing to South Carolina getting destroyed by us and squeaking by Vanderblit. Now they act like being ranked #1 before the season is almost as good as a national championship...like it means anything.

They stole their mascot from Yale (their original mascot was a goat) They stole their logo from the Green Bay, They're fight song is glory glory hallelujah. They are whiney, overrated, deluded, and I hope that this year they perform as well as the recently deceased UGA VI would in a game of fetch.

Sounds a little familiar.
They stole their mascot from Yale (their original mascot was a goat) They stole their logo from the Green Bay, They're fight song is glory glory hallelujah. They are whiney, overrated, deluded, and I hope that this year they perform as well as the recently deceased UGA VI would in a game of fetch.

Don't forget that that northern-army fight song gets played by the Redcoat Band, for god's sake. If you're a Georgia fan, then you hate Paul Revere, which means you hate America. UGA fans are terrorists who hate us for our freedoms.
Don't forget that that northern-army fight song gets played by the Redcoat Band, for god's sake. If you're a Georgia fan, then you hate Paul Revere, which means you hate America. UGA fans are terrorists who hate us for our freedoms.

Don't forget that that northern-army fight song gets played by the Redcoat Band, for god's sake. If you're a Georgia fan, then you hate Paul Revere, which means you hate America. UGA fans are terrorists who hate us for our freedoms.
Bloody spectacular post! Bravo!
Georgia fans aren't too bad when they win, and I have a lot of experience leaving Commonwealth on a day when the Cats end up on the short side of the score.

I'll never forget one cold day during probation when MSU came in and whooped our butts. A couple of liquoured up MSU frat guys all clanged their cowbells as loud as they could, yelling, "We suck! But You'uns suck more!" We couldn't argue. We were 2-8 at the time.

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