I'm not getting teary-eyed, you are

How lucky are we to have Heupel? All the decades of suffering. All the heartbreak and Hell are behind us Nation. We got us not only of one of the best coaches in the game. We got us one helluva human being. I’m so proud to call him our coach. He’s gonna lead us to the promised land yall.

Go Big Damn Orange
That’s an eventual national championship coach. You can still buy the stock now when it is mid priced if you failed four years ago to understand who we hired to replace Forest Gump. But if you want to truly appreciate what is coming, don’t wait. All aboard the Heup train!
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I'm dead serious and people can save this for later. I don't care if we have a bad game and Heupel makes some dumb mistakes and costs us a game. I'm sold on him in the big picture. He's the real deal .
He is exactly what we needed. These kids would die for him which is hard to come by in the NIL era

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