I'm the biggest UT fan because......



Senior Lurker New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Slow day today. Thought it might be fun to see why you are the "biggest UT fan."

I'm the biggest UT fan because I have a 15 month old daughter who was born at UT Medical Center. Yes. That was deliberate.

Oh. And I named her Peyton.

Why are you the biggest fan?
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I named my first born Peyton, he is now 7 and a huge fan..people ask me all the time why I didnt name my 4 year old Eli (mainly sarcasm) and I usually just shoot them a look of shut the bleep up. Go Vols :rock:
I am the biggest UT fan, because I wanted Dooley fired for a long time and others supported Dooley instead of TN. Yep I don't think you are a good fan if you defend a coach if he is not producing.
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I am the biggest UT fan because I have listened to Vol games in 3 different Countries while serving in the Military and as a teenager my radio was by my side while picking two hundred pounds of cotton and listening to my beloved Vols!
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I am the biggest UT fan because I sat in a bar on my one year wedding anniversary to watch the 98 national championship game because the electricity was out at my house.....my wife was at home in the dark.
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I am the biggest fan because I went to Tempe and saw the Vols win the NC. Tempe is a suburb of Phoenix so I named my 7 year old son Phoenix Neyland. He's a big UT fan { he got a puppy and I asked him what he wanted to name him} so now we have a puppy named Tennessee.
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In the biggest fan because I've read the football board for almost 10 years without giving up on the human race.
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I'm the biggest UT fan bc without the technology that the UT medical center in Knoxville possessed in1976, I wouldn't be here posting this reply. I was born 2 months premature and no one else had the technology to keep me alive. I give my all for Tennessee.
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The two most loyal beings on the planet are dogs and Vol fans.Well, most of us anyway. Doggone it we deserve a winner.
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I would like to nominate a gentleman I meet in 96 at the bama game. In 95 I went to Birmingham and saw our Vols end a 9 game winless streak against Alabama. 8 losses and 1 tie, I had tears in my eyes after that win. The next year in Knoxville I sat beside a man in his mid eighties, he said he had been to every home game for thirty something years. After the game he was crying because he did not know if he would live long enough to see the Vols beat Bama. Due to health he did not go to the Bama game in 95 at Birmingham. I will always have that mans face in my mind. It represents what a true Vol fan is!!!
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I am the biggest UT fan because I infuriated Notre Dame Fans and Syracuse fans by pounding the dodo out of my seat cushions and help rally The Vols to two of the most memorable wins in UT history. In the Carrier Dome, I was threatened by some drunk Orangemen but did not let down the UT faithful. If you were at those games, you will remember a thunderous and continuous deep popping sound.
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I'm the biggest fan because "I BELIEVE AND AM A FOREVER SUNSHINE PUMPER" ... for my University of Tennessee VOLUNTEERS!!!!! Oh yeah, I'm short and have a huge heart........... :girl1:

For real BUTCH GETS IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO BIG ORANGE .. :rock:
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Dang..I thought I was the biggest fan because I wear a UT lanyard at work to hold my ID card.
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Because I wanted to be everything that my grandfather was. He was the biggest Vols and Cubs fan the world has ever known. Before the basketball Vols got much TV time, he used to listen to every game on the radio and handwrite every single stat as they happened (shots, points, rebounds, etc.) It was the greatest thing I've ever seen.
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I'm the biggest VOL fan because I have a tattoo of a muscle bound Smokey bashing the brains of a Gator's head in...had 2 vanity license plates when I lived in L.A. that said 1UTVOL and the other UT1SEC...my 1st labrador retriever (God rest his loving soul) was named Peyton...my 2nd labrador retriever's name is Peyton II (he honestly would not answer to any other name we tried as a puppy)...our chihuahua's name is General....would fly back for 2 home games a year when I lived in SoCal for 15 years...been going to games every season since birth (37 now)....beat up a Gator fan in Gainesville Peyton's senior year for chucking a whiskey'd down coke on my mother walking out of Ben Griffin Stadium for wearing a Tennessee shirt....yeah that is about it...yeah I'm bipolar but heavily medicated and more mature now...my cross to bare as the "Biggest Vol Fan Ever"...end game.
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