Everything I have seen shows the final result to be in the 53 to 46 spread for the popular vote (~7 points). Wiki, real clear politics, cnn, and foxnews all came in with these final numbers.
Generally speaking, Fox polls made it more of a horse race than it really was. A professor of political science from Fordham University did a final tally on which polls came closest to predicting the final results and ranked them:
accuracy of election polls - Google Search
I obviously can't comment on his methodology because this is just a results page, but the results show out of 23 polls, Foxnews was ranked 10th accurate. Fox did better than CBS, ABC, and NBC, but was less accurate than CNN or AP. Rasmussen and Pew were the only two to nail the spread exactly. Newsweek was the worst. It looks pretty good. The only funny thing I see about the results is it shows dailykos being more accurate than Foxnews, which, despite the bias of foxnews, it is nothing on the order of the biased crap at dailykos. I guess a broken clock is right twice a day.