Impending weather in Knoxville affecting Recruiting Visits?

does anybody know who or if any of the OV's got in for this weekend.i know NASH-ROGERS were trying to come up.AMPLES was trying.any offical word on everybody???
Not sure, if not they should be in today, the rain/sleet/ice/snow is pretty much done and I would think roads are clearing
does anybody know who or if any of the OV's got in for this weekend.i know NASH-ROGERS were trying to come up.AMPLES was trying.any offical word on everybody???

Roads are a little better down here this morning. Mike Nance said he and Nash are going to try to come and they are trying to get Da'rick to join them. Not sure it worked. Da'rick has only spoke to one recruitnik since his visit and that was chip towers. Everything else has been either from Mike or speculation from everyone else. Does anyone know if Ambles plane made it in?
If they do make it in this weekend it would be a great weekend to show him the mountains nearby. I bet the campus is beautiful right now with all the snow.
Besides the Ambles saga, those 4 above were still the only confirmed. No one knows on Nash/Rogers yet it seems, and of course D. Robinson had to cancel.
If they do make it in this weekend it would be a great weekend to show him the mountains nearby. I bet the campus is beautiful right now with all the snow.

I am in dandride which is in jefferson county next to Sevier coun ty and yes mountains look nice
Word is that Ambles is heading back to Atlanta. Couldn't fly in from Charlotte

Please stop! You people are crazy for believing he was ever in NC. He was not! He's playing the crowd. No flights were cancelled to Knoxville from Charlotte last night.
As I stated the weather could impact visits and it did...big time! No Ambles and No Robinson...bad news!
As I stated the weather could impact visits and it did...big time! No Ambles and No Robinson...bad news!

not to burst your bubble, but it was pretty strong that ambles wasnt really going to end up here anyways

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