he's a tough kid and it is obvious that he is what we have. i just don't see where everybody thinks he is a good QB. in big games he makes turnovers. this is the SEC you are going to get hit and hit hard. he is a senior not a freshman. since he is all we have it makes me wonder about next year. if dobbs is that bad who will be our QB.
Its 3 games in with one big game. Don't bring up last year, its gone and he is a very different QB than 2013.
We played the #4 team in the land am I the only one that sees this picture?
A mostly freshman OL facing a very seasoned D.
He was sacked 5 times, hit to many to count.
He was 21 for 44 with 2 INT. Just two...facing the #4 team, He did dang well. He's not a star QB but he is a good one.
Did you know stat wise he is ranked 16 in Tennessee passing? That's from 1956 - now. That's one below Condredge Holloway and 15 above Johnny Majors. I'm not saying give him the Heisman, but I'm saying give him respect.
If we had won that game, It would have been "Worley is great" from everyone. Vols fans are a two edged swords. You can win 100 games, but the 1st one you lose or make a error they hang you from a tree.
Same thing in 1997 in the SEC camp game, at half-time I know people that would have paid to have Peyton's head. Then after we won he was the best QB ever born.
I say we go to a bowl game this year, and we should be very proud