You guys are so immature. The OP had a legitimate question, but it seems most want to be snarky instead of helpful. Well, that is too bad.
In response to the OP's question, the players most likely to transfer appear to be...wait a second.
Does anyone else have a Scroll Lock button on their keyboard? I had never noticed that before. I think I'll try it out.
Doesn't do much.
Oh, there it goes. Weird.
Gets you thinking though. You know, about all those buttons you never use, but could use. Sometimes, I really do regret not reading the User's Manual to most of the gadgets I buy. I feel as if I am not utilizing these objects to the maximum of their potential. You know what I mean? I just get so excited and in a hurry to use them right when I get them. I always tell myself, "You can go back later and read it. Just establish a quick working knowledge of the product. You can probably figure most of it out on your own." But I don't.
Just to clarify, though, although I used quotation marks just before, I don't talk aloud to myself. Well, I mean, most of the time. It's not a sign of neurosis or pathology if if I did. Sometimes certain things just need to be said out loud to give your feelings a certain gravitas. For example, I yelled at the TV during the World Cup game today when the referee called a phantom penalty against the U.S. Logically, I know that the referee cannot hear me all the way down if South Africa - if he could, either I was inhumanly loud or he possesses super-hearing - LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL -
Wow. I really got sidetracked there. Sincerest apologies. But to the topic at hand. USC players transferring to UT.
The rumors I have heard out here most involve...wait a sec.
Does anyone have a SysRq button on their keyboard? It is right next to the Scroll Lock button. Crazy!!!!
Let's see what this does.................