Originally posted by toddbond007@Apr 16, 2005 12:10 AM ya they are the two huggin on each other... they seriously are married... did u see my ugly mug too???
Not a bad bit of writing. But I think I would break up my paragraphs a little better, which (for all I know) could be the fault of your webmaster. Remeber, the devil is in the details. Like I said, not bad at all.
i kno man but they just got uploaded friday and our last article should be up nxt week so... itll be a wrap up of the year in sports... should be pretty boring...
I just noticed how crazy it is down here. I think you could be a college football team that could win a ntional championship by just using the players from florida.
we are some bad mo fo's.
Can't wait to get to oregon and show them how its done down south.
oh yeah must defintley. Im thinking about quitting basketball and sticking to track. I'mm having second thoughts about joinin the navy. I was told by a recruiter from FSU that I could get a scholarship there for track, so I might stick to that and hope I can get inot tennessee. That would be a dream.